


Why King John was nicknamed "King of Lackland"?

alienated by the failure of royal policy and by the financial exaction of this and preceding reigns, forced John to agree to the terms of Magna Carta (also called Great Charter) in 1215. His attempts to evade the agreement brought on war with the barons, during which John died....

the king of money是什么意思

the king of money 金钱之王 例句 1.I heard he fainted and fell on the ground, and the king of America gave himmoney for medicine.我听说这次他晕倒在地上,美利坚总统给了他钱让他治病。2.The king 's exaction of money left people really poor.国王的强取豪夺使人民生活实在贫困。


〖apportion;exaction〗按比例分配;由众人或各方面分担 摊晒 tānshài 〖ted〗将干草等摊开使晒干 摊商 tānshāng 〖streetpedlar〗摆摊子出售货物的商贩 这时也出现许多零售百货的坐商和摊商 摊售 tānshòu 〖setupstallsalongthestreet〗摆摊卖东西 摊头 tāntóu 〖stall〗[方言]∶摊子 摊位 tānwèi...




n.精确;正确。例句:Traditional linguistics stresses the exactness of language.传统语言学强调语言的精确性。Other plans are tight and specific; they're like computer programs in their exactness.另一些计划是紧凑而又具体的;在精确性方面,它们就像是计算机程序。2.exaction n.苛求;勒索;榨取;强取...


摊派的解释[apportion;exaction] 按比例分配;由众人或各方面分担 详细解释 谓由众人或各方面分担。 《文献通考·户口一》 :“长吏惧在官之时破失人户,或恐务免征税,减克料钱,祇於现在户中, 分外 摊派。” 明 张敬修 等 《文忠公行实》 :“贫民鬻子妻,不能输纳,则其势不得不行摊派...


摊派的解释[apportion;exaction] 按比例分配;由众人或各方面分担 详细解释 谓由众人或各方面分担。 《文献通考·户口一》 :“长吏惧在官之时破失人户,或恐务免征税,减克料钱,祇於现在户中, 分外 摊派。” 明 张敬修 等 《文忠公行实》 :“贫民鬻子妻,不能输纳,则其势不得不行摊派...


A.detail B.cost C.exaction D.precision 3.We hope to become more ___ in predicting earthquakes.A.exact B.correct C.precise D.accurate 4.It’s the ___ thing to do.A.accurate B.precise C.exact D.correct 5.One of his eyes was injured in an accident, but after a ___ ...


A.detail B.cost C.exaction D.precision 3.We hope to become more ___ in predicting earthquakes.A.exact B.correct C.precise D.accurate 4.It’s the ___ thing to do.A.accurate B.precise C.exact D.correct 5.One of his eyes was injured in an accident, but after a ___ ...
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