





9)Documents for Final 2% of Value Payment 剩下2%价格的资料 关于后面这两条上下文太少不能确定,不过根据我的经验,国外有估价的习惯,在这里指的是先按预料价格的98%支付,然后最终价格出来时应该不会超过全价的2%,这时候再进行实际全价的多还少补,或者不补,挂账,这样有利于双方迅速交易,而...


Guilin is listed as China one of ten big tourist attractions. 9. came the Chinese Customs' procedure already to simplify this year, the foreigner came the Chinese traveling to be more convenient. the 10. China has an archaism: “in the sea saves the friend, the horizon altogethe...

英语高手帮忙翻译 外贸函电的

9)健康证书beprovded从主管机关。受益人证明该效果必须与正本单据。10)放射性检测reportissuedby有关当局对出口国的货物样品进行了分析的内容和它是观察到的放射性的铯-137水平低于50公斤和bqper装运货物的效果是“适合人类食用”11)受益人确认他们将退还therejected货物的价值,并把他们的事业 回到他们...


每个人都背负着一个沉重的十字架,在缓慢而艰难地朝着目的地前进。Everyone is carrying a hefty cross, slowly and arduously, toward the destination 途中,有一个人忽然停了下来。他心想:这个十字架实在是太沉重了,就这样背着它,得走到何年何月啊?!Suddenly, someone stopped on his way.He...


The success the Guizhou Province provincial capital will occupy withtwo levels of cities sales compared to by original 9: 1 transformationis 7: 3, reduces the provincial capital pressure. Guizhou BCD cityrealization sale cover.3) formulates the appropriate gate shop JBP plan, 沃尔 ...


7. During the Spring Festival to the day 20 the same price that exceeds by RMB1800 / calculation of the night.8. Lunch and dinner according to RMB140 yuan / person (free of service charges), the hotel offers Chinese, Western, the three packages.9. Hotel reservations directly ...


A dizzying metropolis whose population of 10 million exceeds those of London, Berlin and New York, Seoul is one of the 21st Century’s undisputed urban powerhouses. If you’re visiting Seoul for the first time, the best place to get a sense of its epic scale, and to take in its sparkl...


16进制转10进制 转化方法一 a=textread('c:\a.txt','%s')';%以字符形式打开文件 alpha=hex2dec(a)'; %16进制转化为10进制数,存入alpha矩阵 16进制转10进制 转化方法二 [wenjian_ming,lujing_ming] = uigetfile('c:\a.txt','导入数据');fid=fopen(strcat(lujing_ming,wenjian_ming),'r...


作者利用“分子工程”对廉价的前体(9-芴酮)进行修饰,作为有机氧化还原流电池的基础。他们在一个氧化还原流电池中测试了一系列不同的分子,其中的反应涉及可逆的酮在水电解质中氢化和脱氢。这些反应具有双电子氧化还原和在空气、高温(50 )下操作等优点,更适合于实际应用。 Abstract In a flow battery, catholyte...
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