
fear no


no less than的用法是什么?

2、I don't think they know the meaning of shame or fear; the women no less than the men crowdround nudities.我想他们根本不知道什么是羞耻或害怕;周围的女人们穿着上的裸露相比男人毫不逊色。3、In each case, the essence of the argument was that “we,” no less than “you,” ...

变形金刚4中擎天柱说对惊破天说you have no soul的台词

擎天柱:You have no soul 惊破天:That is why I have no fear!

no less than和not less than的区别

I don't think they know the meaning of shame or fear; the women no less than the men crowd round nudities.我想他们根本不知道什么是羞耻或害怕;周围的女人们穿着上的裸露相比男人毫不逊色。No less than 27 percent of 15- to 24-year-old men have never had any form ofsexual ...


5.don't love you no more-Craig David R&B歌曲也可以抒情的如此美妙、悦耳。只有Craig David能给我们带来这样的享受。Craig David被NME杂志赞誉为“英国R&B乐坛最完美、杰出的歌手”。Craig David的歌曲融合R&B、拉丁、摇滚、爵士等多样音乐元素,充满磁性、性感诱人的嗓音。无怪乎英国流行乐坛龙头...

l have no greater fear than the possibility that

你好!l have no greater fear than the possibility that my friend's illness may someday hurt someone else我没有比我朋友的病有朝一日会伤害别人更可怕的可能性。

为什么 会有No I weren‘t

4. 在 lest( 以免) 、for fear that ( 以免) 、in case (以防、以备) 、so that、in order that引起的表示目的的状语从句中用should(could/would)+动词原形, should 可以省略.She walked quietly lest she (should) wake up her roommates.Have your gun ready in case we should need it....

我想要《yes or no(想爱就爱)》电影两个主角的资料和她们俩分别演过什么...



It feels like nobody ever knew me until you knew me Feels like nobody ever loved me until you loved me Feels like nobody ever touched me until you touched me Baby nobody, nobody,until you Baby it just took one hit of you now I39;m addicted You never know what39;s ...


7. All time is no time when it is past.光阴一去不复返。8. No one can call back yesterday;Yesterday will not be called again.昨日不复来。9. Tomorrow comes never.切莫依赖明天。10.One today is worth two tomorrows.一个今天胜似两个明天。11.The morning sun never lasts a day....
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