We obtained an existence theorem of sheaves of algebraic moduli associated to formal moduli [EGA III, par. 5]. The new point of view is, essentially, the construction of a scheme starting by a functor that represents it. In this approach, I didn’t reach a flexible characterization of ...
5.化学玻璃 chemical glass; 6.化学(用)玻璃器皿 chemical glassware; 7.化学剥皮法 chemical barking; 8.化学补偿物 chemical shim; 9.化学不完全燃烧 chemically incomplete combustion; 10.化学不育剂 chemosterilant; 11.化学擦光 chemical polishing; 12.化学层 chemosphere; 13.化学常数 chemical constant; 14...
5. 本法规中,镉电镀指金属表面上任何形式的金属镉沉积或涂饰。镉电镀物 品或物品成分不可用于以下用途:a) 用于以下用途的设备和机器:— — 食 品 生 产 : [8210] [841720] [841981] [842111] [842122] [8422][8435][8437][8438] [847611]——农业:[841931] [842481] [8432] [8433]...
47 Jute-Like Fibres 2 48 Pimento, Allspice 2 49 Spices nes 2 50 Wool, Greasy 2 下面是美国的,也很厉害:1 Almonds 1 2 Blueberries 1 3 Cow Milk, Whole, Fresh 1 4 Cranberries 1 5 Grapefruit and Pomelos 1 6 Green Corn (Maize) 1 7 Indigenous Cattle Meat 1 8 Indigenous ...