
finding a good work-at-home job is not easy


finding a good work-at-home job is not easy

finding a good work-at-home job is not easy 找一份好工作在家工作并不容易




完全手工翻译,人格担保,如若楼主觉得不好,只能说明本人的水平低。Finding a Good Job-找一份理想的工作 中国的大学生可以自由择业。所以每个人在毕业前可以选择自己的职业生涯。学生求职在校园里已经有很大的影响。学生们变...

求一篇有关大学毕业后你要做什么的英语作文或者对话 就是和外交对话的...

Finding a good job is not easy. There exist many practical obstacles at the present stage of reform. First,there are few service centres available to help them. Second, students often fail to recognize how ...

你毕业后打算做什么? 关于销售工作的英文作文 300字左右

and so a mass high education is possible. This is indeed a trail blazing reform in China’s higher education system. Finding a good job is not easy. There exist many practical obstacles at the present ...


many have done before the part-time, including time at home is also looking for part-time jobs, these are the valuable experience of my work, anything from a work experience do not know any of the children, ...


第一步:自我省察 在选择职业之前,想一想你的兴趣和你的天赋,然后想一想与之相对应的工作。问一问自己:“我喜欢做什么?”“我能把什么事情做好?”然后联想一下有哪些工作与这些兴趣和天赋有关系。第二步:计划 ...

以“Finding A good job or A good husband"写一篇英语作文

Finding a good job is not easy. There exist many practical obstacles at the present stage of reform. First,there are few service centres available to help them. Second, students often fail to recognize how ...


Finding a good job is not easy. There exist many practical obstacles at the present stage of reform. First,there are few service centres available to help them. Second, students often fail to recognize how ...


Finding a good job is not easy. There exist many practical obstacles at the present stage of reform. First,there are few service centres available to help them. Second, students often fail to recognize how ...


It is hard finding a job these days=Finding a job is not easy 2.雨已经停了 The rain has stopped The rain has ceased The rain has come to a stop It has stopped raining now 3.他最喜欢的运动是滑雪。...
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