
fit well with




match go well with fit fits这四个中哪个是动词

match:1.火柴,比赛(名词)2..搭配,匹配(动词)。go well with:与...相处得好(动词词组)。fit:1.适合(动词)2.合适的,健康的(形容词)


“Fit”在英文中是指“适合,符合”,它既可以作动词,也可以作名词或形容词使用。在日常英语中,我们常常使用“fit”来描述一个人或物品是否与某种标准相符。例如:这双鞋子真合适(These shoes fit well)。2. “fit”...

请问suit,fit 的具体用法,suit well ,还是fit well

The house is unfit / not fit to live in.这房子不适合住.当它为动词时,是指衣物等的“大小、尺寸”的适合,合身.如:The coat fits me well.这外套很合我身.suit well fit well平时两个都会说.我们也常说:...


fit vt.& vi.(使)适合; 安装; 合身 adj.合适的; 恰当的; 合身的; 健壮的 n.合身; 适合; 匹配; 发作 fit well的fit是vi.适合之意,所以可以被副词修饰

well heathy sound fit 四词区别 它们四个都表示身体好时怎么用?_百度...

sound 指“健全的”即“没有任何病的”或“未受过伤害的”,如:He was a man with a sound constitution.他是个体质强健的人.hale 指“老年人健壮的”,如:He is eighty,but still hale and hearty.他年已八旬,但仍...


2. well 既可用作副词,也可用作形容词。用作形容词时,其用法很有限,只表示“健康的”“恰当的”或“令人满意的”等。如:She is very well. 她身体很好。Things are well with us. 我们事事如意。注:一般说来,...

Fit you well怎么理解?

sth. fit sb. well 是一个常用搭配,意思是某物(一般是衣服、帽子等)很适合或匹配某人。fit 在这里是及物动词,“适合、匹配”的意思。well是副词,修饰动词fit,起强调作用,“很、非常”的意思。


i am seeking a position as a sales manager, which was advertised in the internet. the position seems to fit very well with my education, experience and career intereste.electronic business in computer studies,...


Some training will fit them for the job. 经过一些训练他们就会胜任工作。2.不及物动词表示适合,吻合。Try the new key and see if it fits. 试试新配的钥匙看看是否合适。The shoes doesn’t fit well. 这鞋不...
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