



1.(其实份量都随兴)洋葱 onion---3大颗大蒜 garlic---3瓣红萝卜 carrot---2支马铃薯 potatoe---6大颗牛腩 beef flank---1200g (我的天才母上买了沙朗牛排让我作咖哩 真的是太奇怪了)水或高汤 water or stock---2,000c.c.调味料:橄榄油 olive oil---随兴咖哩粉 curry powder---大约...


as soon as please hold comes to a stop, gets down stands XX station, the train opening advance side toward left/right flank vehicle door, please get out the passenger prepares. (3) XX stood, please get out in train's left/right flank vehicle door. (4) the terminal XX stoo...


ěThe mouth faces the flank inclined open.咧Li ē[ consumedly] description with casually then,


If we approach strategically from the flank- oh who am I kidding, let's just morph and eat...9.扭曲树精 - 茂凯 This power… I cannot control. 这股力量……我无法控制 Torment me no


The flank of the station 田中每天几点钟起床?Everyday of Tienchung what time does the clock get up?答:Answer:早上7点 7:00 a.m.暑假从什么时候到什么时候?Summer vacation from when arrive when?答:Answer:七月10号到8月30号 On July 10 till August 30 这本字典多少钱?How much ...


300 m/min., f: 0.15 mm/rev., and ap: 0.4 mm. In the figure, flank wear, crater 300米/分钟,F:0.15毫米/转,和AP:0.4毫米。在图中,后刀面磨损,坑 wear, notch wear, and the molten chip and adhered chip on to the crater surface at 磨损,沟槽磨损,和熔融芯片粘贴...

谁能告诉我dota里一些术语的解释?比如dps…拜托各位了 3Q

这个词是术语"gangbang"和"flank"的集合体或是"gank kill"的缩写。 (hero name/color) missing -...9,如果你是力量带控制英雄,请在交战的时候冲在最前面,走在最后一个,除非你完全红血没有补给而战斗


英语写自己家周边环境描写作文 1.我家周围的环境英语作文70字我家周围的环境Mysurroundings我家原来住在一个夜市的旁边,到了晚上特别热闹。Myhousewasdwellinginanightmarketofflank,eveningespeciallylively.而我家现在住在两座山的中间,周围的空气非常新鲜,让人感到心旷神怡。Andourhouseisnowlivinginmountains...

谁能给我几篇高中英语完形填空,语法填空,阅读理解,不要图片哦!_百度知 ...

Ed refused to buy a ___9___ T-shirt or to lose weight. So when Ed ___10___ for our game not only with the bottom of his shirt gathered inside his trousers but also with a stomach you could hardly ___11___, I was so surprised that I was ___12___. My cousin...

One writer's beginning 全文翻译

7) allot 8) engraved 9) sobbing 10) illustration2.1) I stayed on as an assistant professor....4) The two hills Shunner Fell from the north and Lovely Seat from the south flank the famous
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