
focus on 的具体用法是什么?


focus on 的具体用法是什么?

把焦点对准,集中注意… 同反义词 同:[v.] center, center on, concentrate on, revolve about点击查看…… 参考例句 The focus on my camera isn't working properly.我的照相机上的调焦装置有毛病.不适合点击查看…… 英英解释 动词解释: center upon Her entire attention centered on her ...

focus on的用法


focus on的短语是什么?

focus on常和名词连用,具体形式为:focus sth on,或fous on sth 短语含义:1.把(光)在…上聚成焦点 If you focus bright sunlight on dry wood with a magnifying glass,it will start burning .用放大镜把强阳光聚焦到干柴上,干柴就会燃烧起来。2.思想集中到…上 We must focus our ...

focus on后面加什么

1. Focus on your work 这是最常见的用法之一。在工作场合,我们经常会听到老板或同事说:“请专注于你的工作。”这时,我们就可以用“focus on your work”来表达。2. Focus on your goal 在个人生活中,我们也需要有目标和追求。当我们想要实现某个目标时,我们需要专注于这个目标,不断努力。


关于focus on的用法总结,focus on这个很多人还不知道,今天来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、focus on 是原形focuses on 是一般现在时。2、主语是第三人称单数。

focus on doing还是do?

是focus on doing,没有focus on do的说法。focus on doing是“集中精力做某事”的意思,具体的句式是Focus on doing sth。focus on ,接名词、代词或者doing动名词形式或者名词性从句,意思是集中做什么。 He prefers to focus on the positive. 他更愿意关注积极面。 What I'm going to do in ...

focus in与focus on有什么区别?

Focus on. 用法为focus sth on Their talks are expected to focus on arms control.他们的会谈预计会集中讨论军备控制问题。They focus on overt discrimination rather than insidious aspects of racism.他们关注的是公开的歧视,而不是种族主义的一些潜在问题。His administration's economic policy would...
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