
fork over



卖火柴的小女孩翻译成英文是The Little Girl Selling Matches.1、little的英式读法是['lɪtl];美式读法是['lɪtl]。作形容词意思有小的;幼小的;短的;微不足道的;少到几乎没有的。作副词意思有甚少;毫不;难得。作名词意思是极少。2、girl的英式读法是[ɡɜːl];没...


Britain was also quick to adopt the innovation of fast food from the United States, and continues to absorb culinary ideas from all over the ...Meals, as a general hand and a knife or spoon, fork left hand, also use the right hand to grip the glass. Not too close to the body ...


19. When it is struck, a tuning fork produces an almost pure tone, retaining its pitch over a long period of time.音叉被敲击时,产生几乎纯质的音调,其音量经久不衰。20. Although pecans are most plentiful in the southeastern part of the United States, they are found as far ...


; 逗留 5、Smudge Stick 绘画涂抹 ; 涂抹棒 6、glow stick 萤光棒 ; 荧光棒 ; 发光棒 7、Joss stick 立香 ; 神香 ; 线香 ; 用木屑加香料做成的细条 8、stick with 继续做 ; 坚持 ; 继续 ; 保持联系 9、Hair stick 簪 ; 供应精品苗银发簪 ; 贴片式接发 ; 发蜡条 ...


or morning orange short more for fork shorts New York horse pork sports bookstore store north report reporter shorter sore bored storm tomorrow aw draw law strawberry oor floor door all /R:l/ ball small tall wall basketball baseball fall taller smaller call 5./ ә: / ir ...


Oh dear! I shall be late!' (when she thought it over afterwards, it occurred to her that she ought to have wondered at this, but at the...The fork fell and buried itself in the back of one of the horses. Father said little. He simply painted a white circle on the barn floor ...


To occupy oneself in amusement, sport, or other recreation:玩耍,游戏:使自己从沉浸于娱乐、体育运动或其它娱乐活动中:children playing with toys.在玩玩具的儿童 Games To take part in a game:【游戏】 参加游戏:No minors are eligible to play.未成年人没有资格参加游戏 To participate in...


(8∶00 p.m.at the restaurant) W:Here's the menu for this evening.I'll come and take ...If you don't,I'll get you fork and knife. B:If I can have them,so much the better. ...222.Now would you please take a seat and wait over there? 您先在那边坐下来等好吗? 223.We...


branch的读音是:英[brɑ?nt?]。branch的读音是:英[brɑ?nt?]。branch的例句是用作名词(n.)Can we drop the car off at any of your branch?我们可以在你们的任何一家分公司还车吗。branch的意思是n.分部;部门;分店;分支;树枝;v.分岔;分支。一、详尽释义点此查看branch的详细内容n.(...

...0 和exit(0)的区别(程序1);二是有关fork的(程序2)。谢谢

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