3、向后转:Turn back,读音:英 [tɜːn bæk]美 [tɜːrn bæk]。4、向前走:go ahead,读音:英 [ˈɡəʊ əhed]美 [ˈɡoʊ əhed]。5、向左走:To left walk,读音:英 [tu left wɔːk]...
forge ahead advance onward carry on 参考例句:In progress; underway 前进;进行中Make progress; progress 前进;进步Move forward [backward]前进[后退]In progress or evolving.前进的或形成中的Plough through the mud 从泥泞中前进The tanks bogged down in the mud 坦克陷入泥潭不能前进。They laid...
Fly in the air, the car streamlined, without noise, no resistance, by advanced rocket propulsion power. To be as the helicopter as lift, fast forward or backward, and very smooth, like sitting on his sofa.On the sea road, tyre change, buoyancy also follow to change, from a ...
therefore they cannot make the plane move forward or backward. * On the ground plane uses their engines to generate thrust. Since the engines are designed to make the plane go forwards they provide much better thrust forwards than they can backwards. * A lot of civil airliners (...
number of the sequence, a large number of small number first, then.Three: when the number of grid according to throw into when they get you from the box indicating forward or backward.Four: to reach the final destination, must according to the correct number of words to you ...
给你标准的说法 1. 你往后边站一点。You, step back a little.2. 你往前边一点。You, step forward a little.3. 你往左边一点。You, move to the left a little.4. 你往右边一点。You, move to the right a little.5. 你挡我路了。Excuse me. (这样说本身就有请对方让路的意思了, ...
后向一体化或者前向一体化 后向一体化战略是指企业利用自己在产品上的优势,把原来属于外购的原材料或零件,改为自行生产的战略。在生产过程中,物流从反方向移动。即通过获得供应商的所有权或增强对其控制来求得发展的战略。在供货成本太高或供货方不可靠或不能保证供应时,企业经常采用这种战略。前向...
5. 英国的过去大英帝国无bound(边界),英联邦国家abound(大量存在),流通货币是pound(英镑),随处英语的sound(声音),满城绅士牵hound(猎狗)。6. 超级逃兵行军方向forward(向前的),他的方向backward(向后的),逃跑方式awkward(笨拙的),其实是个coward(懦夫)。7. 掌舵手有一个volunteer(志愿者),把船来steer(驾驶),...
1、forward adv. 前进地; 向前; 至将来; 提前地;adj. 向前方的; 迅速的; (社会、政治)进步的; 早熟的;vt. 促进,助长; (按新地址)转寄; 发送;n. 前锋;The car passed over the body twice, once backward and then forward.那辆车把那人来回轧了两次,先是倒着轧的,再是往前开着...