go by 时光流逝 Time went by slowly.时间慢慢逝去。顺便走访 She was in when I went by yesterday.我昨天顺便去看她时, 她正好在家。I had a long chat with her when I went by her house this morning.今天早上我顺便去她家看她时, 同她谈了好一会儿。判断 You can't go by what he...
the soft budding of the virginal woods,Of the frail fruit trees by the vanishing lakes:There'...8.关于春天的英文诗 有翻译 要短 Spring, the sweet spring, is the year's pleasant king; Then
2、 [(Of physique) Frail] [力量]:单薄 二、详细解释 1、孤独;单身无依靠。 ①《南齐书·孝义传·韩灵敏》:“同里陈穰 ,父母死,孤单无亲戚, 丁氏 收养之。” ②唐无作 《谢武肃王》诗:“云鹤性孤单,争堪名利关。” ③清李渔《比目鱼·回生》:“难道你终朝相并,竟没有片刻孤单?” ④吕剧《李二嫂...
日本摇滚乐队X-JAPAN经典曲目《Tears》是日本著名摇滚乐队X-JAPAN于1993年11月10日发行的单曲,这首由...In this world full of pleasure so frailTown after town on I travelPass through faces I know ...第一张单曲《再次重逢的世界》于8月2日在韩国上市。而在这之前,成员们已经各自拥有不同程度的知名...
But for some stomach weak, frail people who, single-eat spinach, and not get good results. Duck blood is the most iron-rich foods, protein content was high, but also has the ability to clean the blood, and spinach mix can enhance their nutritional and health effects. Tofu is rich in ...
柔弱的解释如下:柔弱的解释 (1)[delicate]∶常指体弱,易感疲劳的;易得病的(身体柔弱)。(2)[frail]∶容易受疾病或其它灾祸影响的。详细解释 (1)软弱,不刚强。《老子》:“人之生也柔弱,其死也坚强。”宋王谠《唐语林·补遗三》:“铎柔弱易制,中官贪之,先用铎焉。”清钱泳《履园丛话·...
1. 用英语介绍自己 50字 Hello, everyone.I call XX.Very happy understanding everyone.My a fondness for is football and the most favorite category is mathematics.Because I am the only son of home, the personality may be some frail, ask everyone to give advice or ments.Hope in...
羸 léi 〈形〉(形声。从羊,本义:瘦弱)同本义 [thin and weak]羸,瘦也。——《说文》。按,本训当为瘦羊,转而言人耳。 羸老易子。——汉·贾谊《论积贮疏》 皆羸老之卒。——《资治通鉴·唐纪》 悉使羸兵负草。——《资治通鉴》 又 羸兵为人马所蹈藉。 又如:羸骖...