


魔兽世界里 各职业的T10装备都叫什么名字

T10套装的名称公布 死亡骑士:天灾领主 Scourgelord's Battlegear Scourgelord's Plate 德鲁伊:织棘者 Lasherweave Garb Lasherweave Regalia Lasherweave Battlegear 猎人:安卡哈血猎手(我觉得以后很有可能翻译成安卡哈追猎者,安卡哈是一种地穴领主怪的名字)Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Battlegear 法师:血...


And changed her soldier's garb for woman's dress; Her head adorned with simple maiden's tress, A single flower enriched her lustrous hair, And forth she came, fresh, maidenly, and fair! Some comrades in the war had now come in, Who durst not mingle in the happy din; But there in...


Or if you like soccer,garb a ball,and see how long you can keep it in the air with your feet,kness,and head.或许如果你喜欢足球,颠球来看看你能用脚、膝盖和头将它保持在空中多久。When you play with your friends again,they’ll be to find that you have become an expert.当...


who had already dressed as one of Dionysus's followers gave Pentheus a warning: "The man you reject is a new god. He is Semele's child, whom Zeus rescued. He, along with Demeter, are the greatest upon earth for men." Pentheus, seeing the strange garb Teiresias had on, la...


奇装异服 a fantastic garb 1 ^U\aj# 明辨事非 to distinguish right fromwrong D+XYH6) 雨后春笋 like bamboo shoots after a spring shower O=7.P C 雨过天青 After a storm comes a calm. P W'h ' 秀才不出门能知天下事 A scholor does not step outside his gate, yet he...

暗黑破坏神 ii 绿色套装都叫什么?

普通套装有:天上的衣服(Angelic Raiment)阿卡娜的诡计(Arcanna's Tricks) -女巫套装 北极装置(Arctic Gear)   -亚马逊套装 狂战士的军火库(Berserker's Garb) -野蛮人套装 卡珊的陷阱(Cathan's Traps) -女巫套装 希弗伯的法衣(Civerb's Vestments)克雷德劳的支柱(Cleglaw's Brac...


《泰坦之旅》开启隐藏内容密码是下面这些:1、[274267]:忍者套装(Shinobi Shozoku)、"Shinobi Shozoku" set、Sanjaku- Tenugui (helmet)、Kurokote (gloves)、Jika-tabi (boots)、Katana (sword)、Uwagi (armor)、Sai (sai)杀。2、[925678]:巨商(Garb of the Great Merchant)、"Garb of the ...


枫的外套 Maple's Garb 0005A6CA 杨的风帽 Poplar's Hood 0005A6CB 匪徒爆破大师头盔 Raider Blastmaster Helmet 0005B6E8 升空睡衣 Blast Off Pajamas 0005B6EA 特佩尼安保头盔 Tenpenny Security Helmet 0005B6EB 战前休闲服 Pre-War Relaxedwear 0005BB63 战前闲逛服 Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit 0005BB66 ...


《泰坦之旅》开启隐藏内容密码是下面这些:1、[274267]:忍者套装(Shinobi Shozoku)、"Shinobi Shozoku" set、Sanjaku- Tenugui (helmet)、Kurokote (gloves)、Jika-tabi (boots)、Katana (sword)、Uwagi (armor)、Sai (sai)杀。2、[925678]:巨商(Garb of the Great Merchant)、"Garb of the ...

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