



25..extemporaneous 26..garbled 27..lichen 28..mattock 29..outshine 30..perimeter 31..botulism 32..cutaneous 33..diocese 34.encyclical 35..distrait 36..gamma 37..lacerate 38..mandate 39..methylene 40..nacelle 41..chamfer 42..eschatology 43..giaour 44..imprest 35..lapidate 46..nadir ...


with garbled sound that often requires effort to sort out the dialogue.Those shortcomings are puzzling, since the movie's core is sheer simplicity: A bodyguard, who fears becoming too attached to his clients, takes a job protecting actress/singer Rachel Marron (Houston) and ends up ...


unscrupulously quote out of context <garbled quotation; distort> 【历史故事】春秋后期,崔杼和庆封杀死齐庄公,拥立齐景公杵舀。庄公的卫士卢薄癸和王何外逃他国。卢的弟弟卢薄弊悄悄取得庆封的信任,用计除掉崔杼一家,并把自己的妻子进献给庆封,他找回卢薄癸及王何,成功杀死庆封一家为庄公报仇 ...


disorder code disorder 是指没顺序的,乱乱的。code 是指编码,


disordered characters 属于计算机术语


(I usually will include the source of the information. But my notes got garbled up—a dog ate it—and I no longer have the link. I guess a quick check with Baidu would have done the trick, but I am too lazy to do so.)Anyway. The Chinese version that has been making ...

哪位大哥能帮我把 下面的资料翻译成英文

5. If the display screen garbled, Marseilles, and other cells, re-open the power void; enter the normal power supply and video input signals under normal circumstances, the board can judge the AV damage.6. Not in the normal input signal output screen, the screen shows there are...


unscrupulously quote out of context <garbled quotation; distort> 【历史故事】春秋后期,崔杼和庆封杀死齐庄公,拥立齐景公杵舀。庄公的卫士卢薄癸和王何外逃他国。卢的弟弟卢薄弊悄悄取得庆封的信任,用计除掉崔杼一家,并把自己的妻子进献给庆封,他找回卢薄癸及王何,成功杀死庆封一家为庄公报仇 ...


Hi, dude, how about this one? hope it could be of some help.--- 上封邮件本想让教授指导一下研究题目的,因为出现乱码的问题所以这次直接发了研究计划书。关于研究题目,如果教授觉得不合适,我可以进行修改,希望能获得您的建议!Dear professor, I sent you the email last time with the...
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