6. a gaudy outward display 同义词:ostentation, fanfare 7. a burst of light used to communicate or illuminate 同义词:flare 8. a short news announcement concerning some on-going news story 同义词:news bulletin, newsflash, newsbreak 9. a bright patch of color used for decoration...
4. 成语用来形容奇形怪状,五颜六色,现象奇特,也可以形容事物离奇多变。5. 成语不能用来形容人。6. "光怪陆离"的英文翻译是"bizarre and motley"或"be grotesque in shape and gaudy in colour"。7. 例句1:He had such a fanciful, pictorial way of saying things.8. 例句2:Bizarre ...