




Look at 在英语中怎样使用

appearexploregapegawkgazeglancehuntpeekpeersearchseeseemstare1. look after 照顾,照料 2. look ahead 向前看,着眼未来 3. look as if 看上去好像 4. look at 看着 5. look around/about 四处看看,四下环顾 6. look back 回头看;回顾 7. look down upon(on) 看不起,轻视 8. look forward to 盼望,...


笨蛋 donkey ignoramus 笨蛋 ben dan 1.[Abusive] a fool; an idiot; a simpleton; a dullard; a moron; a foolish fellow; a stupid fellow; a silly fool; a wooden head 笨蛋 fool idiot ass slob 笨 stupid thickheaded 笨 ben 1.dull; foolish 2.clumsy 笨 stupid thickheaded 傻 fool...


6.四年级水平的英语作文The blind men and the elephant =是故事吧?? the blind men and the elephant Many years ago ,there are four blind men.One day, they met an elephant when they were walking on the road.They were all surprised at the elephant. They wanted to know what is elephant.The...

Fedora14 安装gmp时出错 configure: error: could not find a workin...

似乎gcc并未安装,错误提示并未找到一个可工作的编译器 安装gcc

笨蛋用english 怎么说 “?

笨蛋 donkey ignoramus 笨蛋 ben dan 1.[Abusive] a fool; an idiot; a simpleton; a dullard; a moron; a foolish fellow; a stupid fellow; a silly fool; a wooden head 笨蛋 fool idiot ass slob 笨 stupid thickheaded 笨 ben 1.dull; foolish 2.clumsy 笨 stupid thickheaded 傻 fool...


you are so silly (不会伤到人)表示你太天真了也 you are such a idiot.you are so stupid / foolish 你个大笨蛋.(有些伤人的意味尤其是 idiot 和 stupid)


Examples:1. 她总是把事情弄糟;她是个不折不扣的大笨蛋。She always makes a mess of things; she's a prize idiot.2. 他不是笨蛋,根本就不是。He is not a fool; far from it.3. 你这个该死的大笨蛋!You frigging idiot!4. 把他说成是英雄、 天才、 笨蛋, 不一而足.He was ...
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