
go abroad是什么意思


go above是什么意思

到上面去的意思 go above网络解释 1. 我们在"共和门窗公司 And it's not just me, it's all of the workers here.|不仅仅是我 在这里的每一位工人都是这样 | We go above and beyond|我们在"共和门窗公司"| ...

go abroad 中没有 to ,是也是也像“go home”一样,abroad 是副词?

go abroad/ go home, 两词都是adv.为什么 adv. 前原则上不加介词呢? 那是因为 adv. = prep + n.就是说把一个adv.拆开,它本省就含有一个相应的介词,如果再用,就重复了:prep. + adv. = prep. +prep. ...

go out有没有滚出去的意思

【go out】没有“滚出去”的意思,表达“滚出去”意思的是【get out】。其余带【GO】的词组有:1、go one step too far 多走了一步(做得太过分了)2、go out on a limb 爬高枝(担风险)3、go overboar...


给的分数可真高呀,很希望能帮到你:)1. What is the size of your company in Beijing 2. Will I have any opportunities to travel outside of the country 这样的高分只翻译这两句话有点太简单了,如果还有什么...

there here home abroad outdoor 的用法?

您好,这几个词都是副词,一般来说,前面不加介词。例如,go home,come here,go there,go abroad,…


go abroad出国go after追逐追求,设法得到go against违反,反对,不利于go ahead with 继续进行go along with赞同,附和,一起去,并肩作战go and see去看看go away离开,走开,〔口语〕别傻了go back 回去,返回,走向下坡go back on sb`s ...


我曾经去英国留学 英文翻译:I ever went to England to tudy abroad.重点词汇释义:曾经:ever; once; at one time; at one time or another; e'er 英国:Britain; England; the United Kingdom; the United King...

“tonic ”是什么意思?

go abroad /əˈbrɔːd/ 出国 Lily will go abroad with her husband tomorrow.莉莉明天就要和她丈夫出国了。对话 A:I've heard that you will go abroad next month.我听说你下个月要...


1.我申请的是本科留学签证.I applied for undergraduated study aboard visa 2我的父母都是商人,我的母亲是一家保健品批发店的老板,年平均收入在80万以上 My parents were merchants, my mother was boss of salutary ...

take/have/make/go on a trip 中文解释.

take /have /make /go on a trip 意思都是 去旅行If I have enough money,I'm going to take a trip abroad.假如我有足够的钱, 我准备去国外旅行一次.We will have a trip next Sunday.我们下星期天将举于...
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