This goal is ___ out of reach.应填:highly 译文:这个目标是遥不可及的。解析: out of reach 达不到的 highly out of reach 遥不可及的 highly[ˈhaili]adv.高度地;极,非常;非常赞许地 wildly[英][ˈwaɪldlɪ][美][ˈwaɪldlɪ]adv.疯...
区别如下:A a [ei] 、B b [bi:] 、C c [si:] 、D d [di:] 、E e [i:] 、F f [ef] 、G g [dʒi:] 、H h [eit∫] 、I i [ai] 、J j [dʒei] 、K k [kei] 、L l [el] 、M m [em] 、N n [en] 、O o [əu] 、P p [pi:] 、...
(7) There are not many people in this city which own the houses they live in. (8) The reason why I want to take this lesson is that the professor is supposed to be very eloquent. (9) The goal with which he had fought all his life no longer seemed important to him. (10) The ...
100字左右的英语自我介绍:My name is Linda Smith.My first name is Linda,My last name is Smith.I am fourteen years old.I like playing sports,such as football,ping-pong.I have two footballs and many ping-pong balls.My favorite subject is P.E,because I can play happily with ...
3.冠军:champion或championship(后者表示冠军的地位、称号、等级、保持称号的时期) site 5.东汉:the Eastern Han Dynasty 6.世界杯:the World Cup 7.bad lunk:坏的连接线,如果是bad luck是背运、运气不好 8.come on:来吧,算了吧 9.great goal:漂亮的进球;或伟大的目标 10....
and are any other than the exercise project. Football is the traditional 20 and 6-gon 12-gon 5 skin composed of a total of 32. Football game system is divided into 11 people, 7 people and 5 people system. Ages have u15, u17, u19 Olympic group and adult, etc.译文:足球运...
本学期我担任七年级(6)班的英语教学工作,七(5)班共有学生57人,男生33个,女生24个。七(6)班有学生57人,男生32个,女生25个。在这些学生中,两个班均...通过确定language Goal,采用听、说、读、写,自我检测等手段,有效提高语言习得者的学习效率,有利于习得者的语言产出,体现了以学生为主体的思想。 三、教学...
CDM:防守型中场 RWM:右边锋 CM:中场 LM:左中场 CAM:进攻型中场 以上英文为足球体育中位置英文缩写。相关解释:中场是足球中一个重要位置,主要在球场中间活动,负责联系前锋与后卫。在CM中的C代表Centre,意思是中心,M则表示Midfielder,意思前卫,连起来便是位于中场的前卫,前卫则是对中场球员的...