


go off和turn off的区别和用法

go off :离开;出发;进行;变质;睡去;turn off :离开;关掉,关闭;拐弯,使转变方向;同近义词:turn out ,shut off go off :turn off + 电器,设备,开关.

go off take off get off中文意思

go off:离开,离去:;(演员)退场,下场 take off:脱下(衣帽、鞋子等),脱掉;拿掉,取下;移去;拆下,拆掉:;出发;匆匆离开:get off:从…)下来,(从…)下去:;(使)下车,(使)下马:

go off什么意思 用法是什么

go off的含义:对…不再喜欢;失去对…的兴趣;;(枪)开火;(警报器)突然大作;(电器设备)停止运转;进行;进展;(食物或饮料)变质,坏掉。go off用法 1、表示“在…外面”。表示“在某一位置或处所之外”; go off往往强调由于外向的动作而产生的结果或者在某一区域或范围之外。2、还可...

go off 意识 用法

go off 离开;进行;变质;睡去 例子:I've got rather a headache, but it will probably go off when I've had a rest."Go off. Beat it, you old scoundrel . " Harris said.“走开。快滚,你这老骗子手,”哈里斯说。The move marks intensifying interest by pharmaceutical companies ...

go off go out of

1.go off正式的意思是有3个,但还有一个非正式的用法,所以一共是4个意思:① To undergo detonation; explode. 爆炸.例句: A bomb went off at midnight.② To make a noise; sound. 发出噪音或声音.例句:The siren went off at noon.③ To leave.离开.例句: Don't go off mad.④ (...

go off是什么意思?

"Go off" 和 "go out" 都可以用来描述灯灭了(停电),它们的区别在于使用场景和语境。"Go off" 通常用于描述突然、大声的声音或炸弹爆炸等情况,意味着某件事情突然发生了,并且可能会给人带来困扰,例如:The alarm went off at 6 AM. (6点钟闹钟响了)"Go out" 则更常用于移动灯源,比如...

用go off 造句

go off 1.make a sudden ringing noise爆发突然的响声 A bomb went off in the theater.一颗炸弹在剧院里爆炸了。2.leave suddenly(突然)离走 They went off without telling us.他们走时没有告诉我们。She went off in a bad temper.她怒气冲冲地走了。3.cease;wear off;disappear终止...

run off , go off , turn off , set off 都是什么意思

run off v.逃跑, 流掉, 进行决赛, 进行(试验), 迅速写出 go off v.离开, 去世, 消失, 睡去, 爆炸, 被发射, 进行, 变质 turn off v.关掉, 避开, 使转变方向, 生产, 制造, 用车床加工出, 使厌烦, 变成 set off v.出发, 动身, 使爆炸, 引起, 使爆发, 抵销, 分开, 衬托 ...

go out,go off的区别

go off :离开 、私奔 、睡着 、消失 、开始变坏,变质 、变差 例如:I'd better have waited till the rain went off.我当时要是等雨停再走就好了.She went off with the gardener's son.她跟园艺工人的儿子私奔了.He has gone off by the fire.他靠着火炉睡着了.The headache went off ...

go off和go out的意思各是什么。具体。

go off消失,爆炸,食物变坏 go out出去,灯火熄灭
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