


"get surprise"的词性和意思分别是什么?

她会感到非常惊奇的。6、If you agree with the final results, you will get a surprise.假如您的看法与最终的评选结果一致,您将获得意外的惊喜。7、I get a surprise every Spring Festival.每年春节我都会得到惊喜。8、I'm sure Mum will get a surprise.我敢说妈妈一定会感到惊讶的。


7. I could not forget the wild look in his eyes.我忘不了他圆睁的双眼。8. They would never forget their time in his charge.他们永远忘不掉在他手下的日子。9. I must forget these side issues and remember my mission.我必须忘掉这些枝节问题,记住我的使命。10. Sometimes I ...

crush是什么意思 crush的用法



OMG是英文Oh My God的缩写。意思是“我的天啊”。原为英语国家用于表达惊叹、惊讶、感慨意思的口头禅,通过影视作品传播后,在我国网络普遍使用。为了表达方便将其缩写成OMG。最早的使用人是《上海滩》中的汪月琪。

i got on board the phone.的意思是什么?

表面意思是我登上了手机,也许不是很清楚;其实get on board还有另一层意思“入伙”,这样就能解释通了,我入伙了手机,就是说我加入了手机,再通俗点就是说我也用上了手机或我也买了手机。

get up,get to,go up都什么意思?

get up起床, 变得猛烈, 筹备, 起立, 打扮 get to 到达 go up上升, 增长, 建起, 炸毁, (英)上大学 1. She was got up (ie dressed) as an Indian princess.把她打扮成了印度公主。2. What time do you get up (in the morning)?你(早上)什麽时候起床?3. What...

go on 和 go over 是什么意思?

go on 和 go over 意思解析如下:一、go on 音标:英 [ɡəʊ ɒn]     美 [ɡoʊ ɑːn]意思:v. 继续;往前走;发生 短语搭配:go on a diet 节食 go on the stage 当演员 go on record 公开表明观点...例句:Let us go on to the next item on...

arrive , reach,get to的区别

to reach the nearest railway station.我们得走20英里的路才能到达最近的火车站。He reached into his pocket to get his car keys.他把手伸进口袋里拿车钥匙。【get to造句】I get to school at about 7:30 every day,我每天7:30到校 Have we got to the zoo yet?我们到动物园了吗?
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