
got into


He got into ___(difficult)while swimming and had tobe rescued_百度...

您好,很高兴为您解答如下:He got into 【difficulty】while swimming and had to be rescued get into difficulty 陷入困境 --- ★倾情奉献★愿您满意★ ★欢迎追问★敬请采纳★ ---

What's got into you怎么读

什么是进入你 例句 以下例句来源于网络,仅供参考 1.What's got into you? I got busted by my parents.你发生了什么事?我被爸妈逮住了。blog.sina.com.cn 重点词汇释义 What 什么,多少; …的事物; …的 got into 穿起,使醉

get into和go into的区别

A,get into=上车,专门用于上车

got in/ get into的区别是什么?

got in和get into都表示进入的意思,但用法稍有不同。Got in通常指某人已经进入了某个地方,并强调了进入的动作已经完成。例如:"He got in the car."(他上了车。)而get into则指正在进行进入的动作,强调了动作正在进行中。例如:"He is getting into the car."(他正在上车。)...

1.get in ,come in ,enter , go in . get into ,go into, come into...

Again they got into difficulties.他们再次陷入困境。Haines got into a rage.海恩斯勃然大怒。This mistake may get him into difficulties.这一错误将使他陷入困境。3.养成 The boy has got into the habit of washing his hands before meals.那男孩已养成饭前洗手的习惯。go into1.进入 They went...

get into什么意思

例句: What time does the train get into Washington?这趟火车什么时间到达华盛顿?3. (使)穿上(衣、帽、鞋等):例句: Since I gained weight,I can't get into my best suit.由于我长胖了,我最考究的西服穿不上了。4. 渗入;浸入;渗透:例句: The soap has got into my ear.肥皂弄到...

英语, He gambled all the money and got into debt. (get into debt...

He gambled all the money and got into debt. get into debt 与 be into debt 可以互换的但是意思有所区别,be指的是状态,get 指的是动作。be和get都是系动词,区别为含义不同,侧重点不同。举个例子:be表示状态,get 强调变化 即 从一种状态进入另一种状态 e.g.I am used to getting ...

get into trouble 与 get in trouble

got into trouble不可以换为got in trouble,二者有细微的差别,into强调了动作的发生,陷入了麻烦这个动作,in表示处在该种状态下,陷入麻烦这种状态中。试比较: break in插嘴,和break into闯入

英语中get in 和get into哪一个表示上车(小汽车等)。㎴清楚别来误导我...

She was lying in bed.她躺在床上。sitting in an armchair坐在扶手椅里 Leave the key in the lock.把钥匙留在锁孔里。Soak it in cold water.把这东西浸泡在冷水里。2.(=into)进入 - into sth He dipped his brush in the paint.他把毛刷在涂料里蘸了蘸。She got in her car and ...

get through get in get into区别

get through 、get in、 get into区别在于意思不同。1. get through:通过;到达;做完;接通电话;度过,熬过(困难时期等)。例句:First I have to get through the exams.首先我必须通过这些考试。I can't get through to this number.我打不通这个号码。Let's start—there's a lot to get...
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