
got up early



I got up early. 我早起。I 主语,got up 谓语,early 状语。所以,这是主谓结构的陈述句型。


高兴帮助你。句子是一般过去时,那么 get up early 要用过去式 got up early 请采纳,谢谢 !!

He got up early ___ miss the early bu

B 试题分析:句意:他起床很早是为了不错过早班车。动词不定式做目的状语,更好后面的miss the early bus可知,早起的目的应该是不错过早班车;故选B。

l got up early this moraing属于那种句型结构

属于简单句中的主谓结构形式:即主语+不及物动词形式。如:The sun has risen .祝学习进步,天天快乐!满意请采纳!谢谢!:)


“起床”英文:get up,过去式是:got up。用于一般过去时。1. 分析:get up,/ɡet ʌp/;动词+副词构成的动词词组。2. 短语翻译:起床,起立;建造;增加;打扮;伪造;3. 常见表达:get up to, 赶上;读...

he got up early ,___He was late this morning because of the bu...

这句话的意思是:他很早起床,但是由于交通繁忙,他还是迟到了。这里A:however等于but,意思就是但是、然而的意思,用于意思的转折 B:although意思是尽管,如果要用的话,要放在he got up early前面,这里不能用。C:yet...

they got up early

They got up early in order that they might catch the first train.他们早起为了赶上头班火车.in order that引导的目的状语从句中,谓语用虚拟语气might/could+动词原形,否定式则多用should not + 动词原形.


Getting up Early is a Good Habit早起是个好习惯。Getting up early has been regarded as a good habit since ancient times.Many years ago, people thought that if we went to bed early and got up early, we ...

请问一道非谓语动词的选择题。 He got up early, ___ to catch the tr...

B 一句话只能有一个动词,其它的谓语动词视情况而定要改为ing形式(主动)或者ed形式(被动) A选项表示意外的结果 比如说he got up early, only to find he was late 希望能帮到你 O(∩_∩)O~...

Each of them got up early---to catch the bus A.to hope B.hoping C...

C:so that是连词。后面必须是完整句子。所以错误。D:and连词。表示并列,可以是句子,也可以是不带to,与got up并列的词组。那么意思是递进的。2)B:hoping,现在分词,主语与got up一致。表示伴随。就是表示希望能赶...
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