
grower not a shower 什么意思


grower not a shower 什么意思

在奥斯卡颁奖上,女笑星Sarah Silverman吐槽邦德“我不是说他床上功夫不好。但他在24部片子里睡过55个妹子,大部分妹子事后都想杀了他。” 还有句更污的是"James Bond, not a grower, or a shower." grower指勃起时长度显著增加的男性,shower指勃起时长度基本不变的男性。明白什么意思了吗?哈哈 ...


trumpet, but not very well. I love swimming and I am good at it.Of all kinds of movies, I like comedies best. I think they're interesting. I’m one of the best students in my class. My teachers all say I am a good student.They all like me and I like them, too. 6. My Eng...


It was great.”词语解释①challenge ['tM$lindN] v.鞭策;挑战②rewarding [ri'w&:ding] a.有得益的;值得做的③refreshing [ri'freMiR] a.使人耳目一新的④facility [f 'sil ti] n.(复数)设备;方便⑤enormously [i'n&:m sli] ad.大大地,巨大地写法指要人物特写要对人物的生平和事迹进行纵述,所以...
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