



请看下面的同义词辨析 journey, tour, travel, trip, voyage, excursion, expedition, cruise 这些名词均含“旅行”之意。journey: 最普通用词,侧重指时间较长、距离较远的单程陆上旅行,也指水上或空中的旅行。tour: 指最后返回出发地,旅途中有停留游览点,距离可长可短,目的各异的周游或巡行。...

X-Plane有没有像Novalogic F22那样的键盘操作?

- Let go of the stick before you take the mouse down to the panel to change a radio frequency, for example, or the flight controls will be deflected fully and cause the plane to gyrate out of control.在你用鼠标去操控控制面板(比如调整无线电频率)之前,一定要松开摇杆,否则控制...


upup就是增加; 加速; 提高; 举起,拿起的意思。词汇分析英[ʌpʌp] 美[ʌpʌp]例句拓展:1、Up up the state so high.高高住在云天外。2、Hereafter see own very of kid, see that bludger guard a gate in a little while to block up up.以后看好自己的孩子...

vb6.0 图象旋转

上面代码速度太慢,下面代码可快速实现图象旋转 一、新建一个模块,并复制下面代码到模块中:Option Explicit Type BITMAPINFOHEADER '40 bytes,这个大家可以看看BMP的格式 BmSize As Long BmWidth As Long BmHeight As Long BmPlanes As Integer BmBitCount As Integer BmCompression As Long BmSize...


*** (41) 三角广底球形屋根丸塔 --- triangular hebesphenorotunda (42) 二侧锥三角柱 --- biaugmented triangular pri *** (43) 侧锥三角柱 --- biaugmented pentagonal pri *** (44) 五角锥球形屋根 --- disphenocingulum (45) 侧台塔小斜方截半二十面体欠二侧台塔 --- gyrate ...

It’s All About Me歌词

这个歌名有好多人唱过,不知道你说的是哪个 1.Rachel Stevens演唱的It's All About Me She met him Saturday He stole her heart away Twenty-four Sunday They didn't chat at all Romantic Monday Tuesday, a better day But Wednesday to Saturday Don't know why he didn't call Oh, I ...


turn [t??:n] vt. 1. 使(车轮等)转动;使旋转,转,部分转动: 例句: Is it electricity that turns the wheel?是电使轮子转动的吗? She turned the key in the lock.她用钥匙开锁。 2. (为打开、关上、变紧等)旋转,拧: 例句: He turned the handle of the door and went into ...


1、revolve v.旋转;绕转;反复思考;围绕…转;以…为最重要内容;以…为中心;反复斟酌 2、gyrate v.旋转;回旋;环动;疯狂地跳舞 3、rotate v.旋转;转动;轮换;轮流;使旋转;使转动;轮种;给(轮胎)换位;4、spin v.旋转;使…旋转;纺;钓鱼;眩晕;抛;投旋转球;...


rotate 旋转解释:转动:螺旋桨飞速地旋转起来。 指人身体不适而晕眩:他觉得心里非常难受,脑袋在旋转。旋转造句:一、月球像忠实的卫士,始终围绕着地球旋转。二、小女孩好奇地看着旋转的风车。三、在欢乐谷玩旋转飞车的我还没坐稳一下子就开始了,让我措手不及。四、地球围绕着太阳旋转。五、大海...

Burning Flag 歌词

They gyrate and G-rate On Election Day We got out ABC's and our F U C K Multiply your death Divide by sex Add up the violence and What do you get?We are all just stars and we're waiting We are all just scarred and we're hating We are all just stars on your ...
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