月份 月份是专有名词,除了少数几个月份外都有缩写形式:一月 January 简写 Jan.二月 February 简写 Feb.三月 March 简写 Mar.四月 April 简写 Apr.五月 May 六月 June 七月 July 八月 August 简写 Aug.九月 September 简写Sep.十月 October 简写 Oct.十一月 November 简写 Nov.十二月 December 简写...
hafta同样表示必需,比如:I haf'ta be at the meeting at 10 sharp.</ 我必须在10点整准时参加会议。5. Coulda - 本可能</ Coulda源自could have,例如:You coulda saved yourself a lot of trouble if you'd just listened.</ 如果你听了我的话,本来可以避免很多麻烦的。6. Shoulda - 本...
例句:You needa tell me.你得告诉我。(5) oughta = ought to “应当”、“应该”例句:You oughta call your mom.你应该给你妈妈打电话。(6) hafta = have to “必须”例句:We hafta go.我们必须要走了。3. “have” - “a”(1) shoulda = should have “本应该…”例句:We never...
Made by MaHone "What's your favorite scary movie?"Yo, Slim Shady!Yo, Royce 5-9 Y'all wanna make a movie?What..We got the film right here Yeah I'm one of them pretty rappers What?Buck if I really hafta, I really slap ya King of Detroit who they namin the city ...
I hafta go. 我得走了。5. Coulda 本来可能 Coulda 就是Could have 的意思。Shoulda 本来应该 (= Should have)Woulda 本来可以 (= Would have)Musta 一定是 (Must have) (一定是做了什么事)We musta drank a lot last night. 我们昨晚一定是喝了很多。6. Losta 很多 这就是 Lost of ...