
hand to



be tired to death累得要死change from bad to worse每况愈下to a certain degree [extent]到某种程度[范围]punctual to the minute一分钟都不差be rotten to the core烂透了[表示对立, 反面, 对应]针对;a hand-to-hand fight白刃战face to face...

hand out翻译 用法

hand out 1.搀扶…出来 The conductor handed the sick man out of the bus.售票员扶病人下公共汽车。2.〈非正〉分发, 发给, 散发 Will you help me to hand out the materials for the lecture?你可以帮我分发演讲材料吗?Have you handed out the Christmas gifts?圣诞礼物都分发出去了吗?

hand out的用法是什么?

hand out 1.搀扶…出来 The conductor handed the sick man out of the bus.售票员扶病人下公共汽车。2.〈非正〉分发, 发给, 散发 Will you help me to hand out the materials for the lecture?你可以帮我分发演讲材料吗?Have you handed out the Christmas gifts?圣诞礼物都分发出去了吗?


Hand out是一个常见的短语,它的意思是“分发、发放”,通常用于描述将某物逐个分发给一群人。Hand out的主语通常是人,而宾语则是被分发的物品。下面是一些例句:The teacher handed out the test papers to the students.(老师把试卷逐个分发给学生。)The volunteers are handing out food to the...

give out与hand out的区别

2,二者都有分发的意思,但give out多指发出(气味,光线,声音,信号,热等);hand out多指发出去、分发,也有施舍的含义。例句1,The rotten eggs give out a bad smell.那些腐坏的蛋发出一股臭味。例句2,I rustle up a few helper to hand out leaflet.我找到几个助手散发传单。3,做分发的...


就是hand手 和marathon马拉松合成词,“手拉松”也许可以这样翻。是一种比赛,看谁坚持的时间长。 参赛者只要做2件事:第一是站着不动,第二是把他们的手放在车的某个部位,并保持不动。Competitors have to do two things. The first is to stand still. The second is to place their hands ...

hand sth to sb 解释


hand in和hand over的区别

hand in 和 hand over 的区别:区别1:意义和动作对象hand in:表示将文件、作业或申请等交给某人或某个组织。例子:He handed in his resignation letter to the HR department.(他将辞职信交给了人力资源部。)hand over:表示将控制权、所有权或责任从一个人或组织转移给另一个人或组织。例子:...

at hand, by hand, in hand, on hand, to hand ,with hand 分别是什么...

at hand 基本翻译 adv. 在手边;即将到来 by hand 基本翻译 by hand:用手工 | 用手 | 手工 on hand 基本翻译 在手边;在场;即将发生 to hand 基本翻译 收到;在手头;占有 with hand 用手

hands up什么意思

hand的第三人称单数和复数。2、up 英 [ʌp] 美 [ʌp]adv.向(或在)较高位置;向上;在上面;向(或在)较高水平;加大;增高;朝(某人或某物)的方向;向…的地方。prep.向,在(较高位置);沿着;顺着;向…上游;溯流而上。例句:1、Keep your hands up at all times to protect ...
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