



6.用在否定句中表示“禁止”,相当于mustn 't。例如:你不能在阅览室里抽烟。你不能在阅览室吸烟。7.意思是“可以,可以”,相当于可以,可以。这条新闻可以在晚报上找到。这条新闻可以在晚报上看到。我们打算做某事。用在if或even if/even when从句中,表示对未来的假设。9 . be to kill(被...


1,领航员 在拉力赛中,领航员除了需在比赛期间安排生活琐事外,还要在比赛中根据路书的记录向车手提示有关道路情况的比赛信息,精准确认行车路线。2,路书 发给比赛选手的,关于比赛赛段或路程的导航说明书及有地图的赛程路线图。由一些缩写符号和箭头标志构成,包括各具体路段的长度等。领航员需要在赛中...


6 0然后将6 0改成6 3 20100 16777216 0 0 10203 16777216 0 0 10216 16777216 1 0这样和俘虏...one_handed_weapons = 54 单手武器熟练度two_handed_weapons = 25 双手武器熟练度polearms = 53


1 turns to 2 turn down 3 turn yp 4 turn off 5 turn on 6 turn right 7. handed in hand out 8 hand to 9 turn away 1 on 2 to 3 served 4 at of 5 up 6 ride 7 going to 8 when on 1 plays part to keep 2 changing into into 3 how much ...

现在完成时的所有知识,特别是短暂性动词与延续性动词,since 能不与短暂...

这位老人六年前去逝的。 The old man has died. 这位老人已经去逝了。 现在完成时是初中英语教学中的一个重点,也是一个难点,在学习中应注意以下几点: 一、现在完成时与一般过去时的区别 1.现在完成时强调过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响,而一般过去时不强调过去的动作与现在的关系。 如: I have lost my pen...

我英语完形填空不大好(有时能读懂 就是做不对 语法动词的用法也知道...

handed C. showed D. gave6. A. stop B. go on C. enjoy D. try7. A. Late B. Though C. And D. Soon8. A. a time B. that moment C. first D. last9. A. hungry B. friendly C. interested D. beautiful10. A. evening B. someone C. the keeper D. rain[解题剖析]通过阅读全文...


计算机常用英语术语.计算机常用英语术语、词汇表 绝对COOL资料!Computer Vocabulary In Common Use 一、硬件类(Hardware)二、软件类(Software)三、网络类(Network)四、其它 CPU(Center Processor Unit)中央处理单元 mainboard主板 RAM(random access memory)随机存储器(内存)ROM(Read Only Memory)只读存储器...


He didn't say a word, but wrote a few words on a piece of paper and handed it to me. I looked at the paper. on it was written:A=X+Y+Z. "What does it mean?"I asked. "A means success, ”explained my father. "X means hard, Y means good ways, and Z means you must stop...

上古卷轴5天际所有的箭矢代码是多少包括所有的弓弩用的箭矢代码_百度知 ...

一、player.setav onehanded 100 : 单手武器(One-Handed)二、player.setav twohanded 100 : 双手武器(Two-Handed)三、player.setav alteration 100 : 变化系(Alteration)四、player.setav conjuration 100 : 召唤系(Conjuration)五、player.setav destruction 100 : 毁灭系(Destruction)六、player.setav ...


1. 他想长大以后当公司经理.(grow up)He wants to be a business manager when he grows up .2. 这首歌代代相传.(hand down)This song was handed down by generations.3. 我们不得不耐着性子看完那部沉闷的电影.(sit through)We had to sit through the boring movie.4. 你要不停的...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
