



hunt n./v.打猎;搜寻;驱逐,追逐,追捕 hungry a.饥饿的,感到饿的;(for)渴望得到的 hunger n.饥饿;渴望 vi.(for,after)渴望,渴求 horseback n.马背 horse n.马;跳马,鞍马 v.骑马 horrible a.令人恐惧的,可怕的;极讨厌的,糟透的 hive n.蜂箱,蜂房;拥挤喧闹的地方 hit v.打,...


harass v. 烦恼,骚扰 brass n. 黄铜, 厚脸皮, 胸罩 crass a. 粗鲁的, 粗糙的, 愚钝的 grass n. 草(地),草坪 cuirass n. 胸甲, 装甲板, 铁甲 morass n. 沼泽 embarrass v. 使困窘, 使局促不安, 阻碍, 麻烦 canvass n.&v. 细查, 讨论, 劝诱, 游说, 拉选票, 彻底检查, 细究, ...

英语笑话:Brave Rats 勇敢的老鼠

" The second says "Well I'm so tough once I was caught in a rat trap and I bit it apart!" Then the third rat gets up and says "Later guys I'm off home to harass the cat."三只老鼠坐酒吧里吹着谁勇敢谁强悍。 头一只说:“我太厉害了,上回我吃了一整...

我是个菜鸟 谁能帮我写一下各种兵的简称

(P.S: 就是骚扰, 一般都直接用harass, 你要真的尊重语法用harassing, 老外肯定说"显然你的母语不是英语" >_ Multitasking: 同时做几件事---例如, 攻击的时候建造部队和开分基. Tech: 攀科技, 做动词用, 例如 to tech 指建造建筑和研究升级来达到科技树上的某个位置, 以便能够建造特定的部队. 例如, ...


Other items placed on the table are a variety of fruit, ears of corn, gifts, and a communal unity cup for pouring and sharing drinks.5、我们有几艘 Green Peace 的船只,用来侵扰那艘倾倒垃圾的船。We've got a few small Green Peace boats that we harass the dumping ship with.


(P.S: 就是骚扰, 一般都直接用harass, 你要真的尊重语法用harassing, 老外肯定说"显然你的母语不是英语" >_Multitasking: 同时做几件事---例如, 攻击的时候建造部队和开分基.Tech: 攀科技, 做动词用, 例如 to tech 指建造建筑和研究升级来达到科技树上的某个位置, 以便能够建造特定的部队. 例如, going...


that the way a person dresses could be a reliable signal of who he was, especially after outright criminals, like Charles Manson, began to adopt hippie personas, and also after plainclothes policemen started to "dress like hippies" in order to harass legitimate members of the counter-culture....




(P.S: 就是骚扰, 一般都直接用harass, 你要真的尊重语法用harassing, 老外肯定说"显然你的母语不是英语" >_ Multitasking: 同时做几件事---例如, 攻击的时候建造部队和开分基. Tech: 攀科技, 做动词用, 例如 to tech 指建造建筑和研究升级来达到科技树上的某个位置, 以便能够建造特定的部队. 例如, ...


harass our people, and eat out their substance. He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies, without the consent of our legislatures. He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power. He has combined with others to subject us to a ...
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