
has got


这里have和have got有的互换有的不能换,依据是什么?

1)He had a drink before dinner.(had a drink 名词 = drink 动词)had = 喝,≠ 有,拥有,所以(不能换)2)Mrs. Sullivan has a lot of money.(has = 实义动词 = 拥有 = has got,可以换)3)He had to leave eary.(had to = 情态动词(不得不),可以换,但较少)4)We...


eg. It is /has been two years since my brother joined the army. 注意:1.since 引导的从句中动词用过去时2.when 引导 的特殊问句不与现在完成时连用.3.have got,has got 虽然是现在完成时,但have got=have has got==has 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 ...

She‘s got a earache.哪里错?

应该是She has got an earache(她耳朵疼),要点如下:1. 元音开头的单数名词,用an,不用a,否则发不通顺。2. have an earache可以看成固定搭配,还有have a headache(头疼)。3. 同类例子有an apple(一个苹果), an orange(一个桔子), an egg(一个鸡蛋)。

英语高手来吧,四级这个section b是什么意思?

四级的section b,这个是段落大意匹配题,就是看看后面的十个短句里面哪一句和前面文章的哪一段的意思相符。不知道如何备考四级?【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】,点击蓝字领取免费欧美一对一外教课,课均不到20元,专业一对一老师教学。阿卡索一对一外教为大家营造的是“留学”般的英语环境,课均不...

have got和have gotten的区别有哪些

例句:① I have got a headache.我头疼。② He had gotten married before he turned 30.他在30岁之前就结婚了。3、可否缩写不同 have got可以缩写为have/has got,例如I've got或he's got。have gotten不能缩写。例句:① I've got a new job.我有一份新工作。② She has gotten a ...


例句:1、There has been a busy start to polling in today's local elections.今天地方选举的投票一开始就人头攒动。2、The Estonian parliament has passed a resolution declaring the republic fully independent.爱沙尼亚议会已经通过了宣布共和国完全独立的决议。3、He has received extensive ...


三、下列句子均有一处错误,请圈出并改正。1. I am have a green apple. 错:am 改: 去掉 2. Peter have a banana. 错:have 改:has 3. My brother and sister has a toy car. 错:has 改:have 4.They has got some roses. 错:has 改: have 5.She has got some...


16、get的现在完成时。get的现在完成时是have/has got,美式英语中用gotten。have/has got在口语中往往仅是一个现在完成时的形式,表示现在或将来的意义,实际相当于have/has,当“有”解释,但常有很灵活的译法。有时have/has got相当于have/has to,当“必须”解释。


She got a promotion at work.(她在工作中得到了晋升。)They need to get to the airport before 5 p.m.(他们需要在下午5点之前到达机场。)"Got"是"get"的过去式和过去分词形式。它通常用于过去时态或完成时态。例如:I got a new book yesterday.(我昨天买了一本新书。)She has got ...

have got to与have got的区别

3.—Must I clean the window now?No,you A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. can’t D. may not 4.Jack’s ill,so they change their plans.A. must B. should C. have got to D. ought to 5.Harry has been reading all day he = be tired.A. should B. has got to C. ...
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