
he loved to watch clothes go around inside washing machines...



洗衣机:1.washing machine2. washer3.washin machin 短语:洗衣机Washing Machine 洗衣机厂Washing Machine Factory 双桶洗衣机twin-tub washer 例句:洗衣机搅动衣服。The washing machine agitates the clothes.把你的脏衣服扔进洗衣机。Throw your dirty clothes in the washing machine.他们摆弄了洗衣...


Newton finished the experiment. Then he remembered the pot of eggs. He opened the lid a look inside there are no eggs, only a pocket watch. Newton was shocked, looked up, eggs are still on the table, but the table pocket watch had disappeared. Newton too much to concentrate ...


heavy traffic. The train runs faster and farther, bringing convenience to people. Most people use lights, televisions, washing machines, telephones, and some people have computers, air conditioners, people's living standards have improved, and people wear colorful clothes, beautiful.The f...


he called "The Analytical Engine".[4] Due to limited finances, and an inability to resist ...and cheap to replace simple mechanical controls in domestic appliances such as washing machines. The


D. doesn’t just do harm to human beings but to ani­mals, plants and buildings 4. Which of the following wastes water?A. We need ten minutes if we want a clean shower.B. We should put in enough clothes when we wash them in washing machines.C. You can keep ...


人脑也说自己不比他差,于是他们两个吵了起来。Along with the development of modern, people bid farewell to the old tricks, are used in electronic products. Sweepers are replaced by vacuum cleaners, washing clothes are replaced by the washbasin washing machines, are replaced by fumes ...


Are your company's profits being eroded by escalating energy costs? Can you gamble that your energy costs will go down in the future? What are you doing about preparing and protecting your company from spiraling energy costs?Do you have the knowledge of the dynamic market with the...


市场概述 针织服装市场大致分为四部分;针织外衣,针织码商品,袜子,内衣(赖希曼,1972)。毛衣,也被称为套头衫,背心,跳线,运动衫,羊毛衫,woolies和根西岛“形成了针织外衣市场款,其中还包括高尔夫球衫,女人的”S衬衫,T恤衫等所有的针织服装,不管市场,具有工艺和制造技术的共性与毛衣。阿之间的...


the days are very short.When it comes ,the leaves fall from the trees.When it snows,the ground is white with snow.We can wear warm clothes and go to make snowmen.It is a good season for skating .I like winter best.我的老师英语作文 - My Teacher 上周五,我掉了我的自行车...


例句:1.Networking lets you tap the hidden job market of positions that are never advertised.建立社交网络能让你接触到一些永远不会打广告的工作职位。2.Manufacturers have advertised inconsistently and many consumers expect better technology is right around the corner.生产商的广告前后矛盾,而...
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