heis in
He is a student. He is in No. 1 middle school. He is in Class 1 Grade 7.第一时间为你解答,敬请采纳,如果本题还有疑问请追问,Good luck!
He is in America now.翻译:他现在在美国。American是形容词,意思:美国的,美国人的。也有名词意思是美国人。America是名词,国家名,美国。你好填 America 美国He is in America now.他现在在美国若有疑问及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~America 美国。America 美国America是答案USA美...
he is in---系表结构 be in(home)---在家,in这里作表语。表语。he是主语,is是系动词,系动词后面的就是表语in做的事作表语
He is in No.1 Middle School.school前面有了定语,就只能用 in 而不用 at He's at No. 1 Middle School.He is in the first middle school.He is in No.1 Middle School.He is in the No.1 Middle School.He was the first middle school.He is in the No1. Middle school.He is...
He is in Class 1,Grade7,in the Green Middle School.he
1、He is in his seventies. 他七十多岁(从70岁到79岁之间)。2、 She is in her fifties. 她五十多岁(从50岁到59岁之间)。还可以借助early、middle、late来表达得更明确一些,示例:1、The girl is in her early twenties. 那女孩今年二十二、三岁。2、He is in his middle teens. 他...
1. “is”是动词“be”的第三人称单数现在时形式,用来表示存在的状态。例如,“he is”表示“他是”。2. “in”是一个介词,用来表示存在的位置或状态。例如,“he is in the room”表示“他在房间里”。3. 当我们组合“is”和“in”时,形成了一个描述位置或状态的短语“is in”。在具体...
他加入了不要只看中文意思,布兰妮的歌《3》里面有一句歌词就是Are you in?并不是说:你在里面吗?他
1.强调静止的状态: He is in a blue coat.2. 强调动态感: He is wearing a blue coat. / He wears a blue coat.都可,看你想表达哪种感觉。He
你好!he is in deep though.He is in deep thought.或者: He is lost in thought. He is deep in thought.deepdeepdeephe great and good do not die, even in this world. Embalmed in books, their spirits walkWhen your aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of ...