
held in warehouse



In September 2007. 联系中国移动通信长春分公司与我校学生会举行了“关注教育,移动由你”活动。 Contact China Mobile subsidiary and Changchun University students held a "concerned about education, moving up to you." 赠送我校价值3万余元设备 I give the school more than 3 million worth of equipment ...

Held in Warehouse状态什么意思

Held in Warehouse 存留在一座仓库内 双语例句 1 These disputed rugs are now being held in a warehouse.这批引起争议的地毯现在被扣留在一座仓库内。2 The Orgy was held in a warehouse with a professional camera crew taking pictures and recording the entire event.这次性爱狂欢安排在一个大...

Shipment Held In Warehouse. Follow Up Actions Underway用汉语怎么...

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