



阿森纳,是英超中强队之一,前锋亨利更是世界上最好的前锋之一,他拥有世界上短跑最快的人(西印度群岛)的血统。在这个前锋的帮助下,阿森纳拿了3次英超冠军 Arsenal FC is one of the strong (best) football teams in the British Premier League. Henry is one of the best forwards in the ...


Herry went to a restaurant to have dinner first. The manager was mean to him at the beginning but his attitude changed quickly when Herry took out the note and asked for change. Faced with a millionaire, the manager apologized again and again and obsequiously told Herry that he didn’t ...


Herry A Kissiger,American diplomat 权力是最猛烈的催欲剂。 美国外交家 基辛.H.A. Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely; at man are almost always bad man… There is no worse heresy than that the office sactifies the holder of it. Lord Acton, British historian 权力...


handsel 读起来还挺像handsome(英俊的)呢 [hAnsEl]n.贺礼, 彩金 handsel hand.sel AHD:[h²nd“s…l] 也作 han.sel [h²n“-] 【多用于英国】D.J.[6h#nds*l]也作 han.sel [6h#n]K.K.[6h#nds*l]也作 han.sel [6h#n]n.(名词)A gift to express good ...


亨利·鲍尔斯:亨利·鲍尔斯 (Herry Bowers) 的名字在关于探索和发现的年报中有着不可磨灭的地位。当他和斯科特队长(Robert·Falcon·Scott)和博士 (Dr“Bill”Wilson) 一起的时候,他才二十八岁。1912年1月是他队伍在快到南极点时发现了“一个小黑点”---“对手”阿蒙森一行人树立的路标。

herry up 是什么意思?

hurry up v.赶快, 使赶快 hurry [5hQri]n.匆[急, 慌]忙; 仓促; 急切 匆忙的行动 混乱, 骚动 The incessant hurry and trivial activity of daily life seem to prevent, or at least, discourage quiet and intensive thinking.不停的动乱和日常生活的平凡活动看来会阻碍或者至少会使人不能...


6. Lucy wanted to see the dentist at 10 o'clock yesterday.Lucy doesn't want to see the dentist at 10 o'clock.Does Lucy want to see the dentist at 10 o'clock?When does Lucy want to see the dentist?7. I met her in the street yesterday afternoon.I don't meet her in ...


请说明自己的 !!! 性别 谢谢 Arson 是很气魄的名字 Zac 和酷炫的名字 travis 很斯文 又 有点 炫


特特为护十三惨遭李秀满毒打 哭诉 李秀满说要把兔子和艺声踢出SJ 和另外一个人加入Herry 还要走早安少女的路线 小三子因说了句要么全部在一起 要么全部踢除 这个坏人就要动手打他 小三子那身体状况哪能经得起他的拳打脚踢 特特就死命地抱住十三 用身体护住他 这让李秀满更为冒火 下手更重了 一拳...
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