
hold onto是什么意思


hold onto是什么意思?

hold onto的意思是:紧紧抓住,抓住不放;保持住 一、hold onto 读法 英 [həuld ˈɔntu] 美 [hold ˈɑnˌtu]短语:hold onto the stock 持有股票 Hold onto your dreams 坚守你的...

Goma Greens


hold on to是什么意思?

hold onto [英][həuld ˈɔntu][美][hold ˈɑnˌtu]紧紧抓住,不卖出;双语例句 1 Sears, says Spector, “ tried to hold onto what they were rather than trying to invent themsel...



hold onto 和 keep up with 有什么区别

hold onto 中文意思是:抓住 也可以读作:抓住 [zhuā zhù]catch [seize] hold of; grip; capture; grasp; catch hold of ;hold onto 英 [həuld ˈɔntu] 美 [hold ˈɑn...

hold on to是什么意思

hold on to [英][həuld ɔn tu:][美][hold ɑn tu]v.紧紧抓住;坚持;不放弃 例句 1.My father said that if we believe something was true, we should hold on to it.父亲说如果我们相信某事是...

hold on to 是什么意思啊??

to hold on to then.那时他谁也指望不上了,只有靠他自己。4. 控制,抑制:例句: He's too angry to hold on to himself not to scold.他太生气了,甚至控制不住自己大骂了起来。参考资料:《21世纪大英汉词典》...


"Hold onto" 意思是紧紧抓住或保持,通常用于描述紧握或保持某物不放,表示持续性的动作。例如,“他紧紧抓住了绳子”可以表示为"He held onto the rope tightly.""Hold on" 意思是等一下或坚持下去,通常用于表示等待或...

hold onto和hold on to有区别吗?

hold onto和 hold on to都有。hold onto词义:1、名词:紧紧抓住,抓住不放,保持住。固定搭配:1、hold d onto 不放弃。2、hold tight onto 控制自己。3、hold onto the stock 持有股票。用法:He was struggling to...

hold onto

2015-11-01 hold onto是什么意思? 12 2017-12-16 hold onto还是 hold on to? 4 2018-02-01 hold onto 和 keep up with 有什么区别 1 2016-08-10 歌词是 hold hold on hold onto me ... 39 2016-10-06 hold ...
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