
how to make a cake


英语作文how to make cake

How to make a chocolate cake?First,we should buy some chocolates and egges.Next,we'll mix the eggs in a bowl.Then we put the eggs in the microwave.A few minutes later,the cake has finished.Finally,we put the chocolates on the cake.If you like strawberry,you can put it ...


1.把面倒进面盆中,用筷子把面敢均匀, 边用凉水边搅拌。不能太多水,觉得差不多就行了。洒上葱末,盐(依面量加盐),再搅拌几次。2.把锅烧热,把油绕锅四周浇一边,防止面扒锅。锅热后把面倒进锅里,用铲子把面擀均匀的摊在锅中。在把火关小。中途要适当的加油。面身呈金黄色就即可。

how to do与what to do用法区别

“how to do”常用于表达如何完成某项任务或活动。它可以用于描述具体的步骤,指导别人如何做某事。例如:How to make a cake(如何做蛋糕)How to tie a tie(如何打领带)How to use a computer(如何使用电脑)在这些例子中,“how to do”都用来说明具体的步骤和方法。“what to do”的用法 ...

how to do和what to do的区别

How to do关注的是执行步骤和方法,例如"How to make a cake"(如何制作蛋糕)询问的是具体的烘焙步骤。而What to do则聚焦于目标和选择,例如"What to do for the weekend"(周末做什么)则是在讨论可能的选择和决定。在日常对话中,How to do常用于解决具体问题,比如"How to fix a broken ...


How to make a chocolate cake?First,we should buy some chocolates and egges.Next,we'll agitation the egges in a bowl.Then we put the egges in the microwave.A few ninutes later,the cake has finished.Finally,we put the chocolates on the cake.If you like strawberry,you can ...


Please give me a cake.


How to make a chocolate cake?First,we should buy some chocolates and egges.Next,we'll agitation the egges in a bowl.Then we put the egges in the microwave.A few ninutes later,the cake has finished.Finally,we put the chocolates on the cake.If you like strawberry,you can ...


How to make a cake? The process of making a cake .蛋糕,读音:[dàn gāo]蛋糕是一种古老的西点,在英国称为Cake、法国叫Gateau ,而德国、奥地利等国叫Torte 。蛋糕通常是甜的,一般是由烤箱制作的,蛋糕是用鸡蛋、白糖、小麦粉为主要原料。以牛奶、果汁、奶粉、香粉、色拉油、水,起酥油、...
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