



(1)Ithinkyoushould…(2)Well,youcould…(3)Maybeyoushould…(4)Whydon’tyou…?(5)Whataboutdoingsth.?(6)You’dbetterdosth.练一练 用should或shouldn’t填空 1.Ican’tsleepthenightbeforeexams.You___takeawarmshowerbeforeyougotobed.2.Goodfriends___argueeachother.3.Thereislittlemilk...

I LOVE YOU 用各国语言怎么说?

拥抱瞬间的默契,将给你全世界所有的爱相信下个世纪,还能再...爱 你汉语:我爱你 英语:I love you 韩语:�1�7�9�6�6�6�9�1�9�9. 日本:あいしてる德语:Ich liebe dich.法语:Je...

怎样回复how are you today?

(7)I'm great!(8)Pretty good. How are you?(9)Couldn't be better.(10)Never felt better!(11)Fantastic!2、如果你恰好感觉一般甚至不好,也可以如实回答:(1)Just so so.(2)Not so good.(3)Couldn't complain.(4)I've been better.(5)Not my best day.(6)I ...


宾语从句概念:在句子中起宾语作用的从句被称为宾语从句。宾语从句可分为三类,动词的宾语从句、介词的宾语从句和形容词的宾语从句。1、动词后的宾语从句只要有三种情况,一是动词后面直接带宾语从句;二是有些“动词+副词”结构后可以带宾语从句;三是动词短语后可带宾语从句。例句:I hope you can ...


6 无可取代 7 Yes I Love You 8 Nothing Ever Changes 9 Woman In Love 10 魔力 Together 1 Always On My Mind 2 白色恋歌 3 天使在唱歌 4 我和幸福有约定 5 Beauty Up My Life 6 恋人未满 7 美丽新世界 8 热带雨林 9 Remember 10 爱呢 11 Belief 12 Watch Me Shine 13 冰箱 14 你还好不好 ...


So I’m good at English. I like playing sports and reading books. My hobby is collecting leaves. Do you think I’m a wonderful girl?作文六:My Weekend(一般现在时)此文句式统一,便于仿写,绿色为作文框架。My WeekendHello! I’m a girl. (总起)I am busy on the weekend. (先按早中晚的...

几个简单的英语填空问题 求解答 今天6点之前要

2、it is very cold. i think it 【will rain】3、A:i need some paper B:i【will bring】some for you 4、【Will】you【go】anywher on lobor day 5、i 【was】very tired last night, so i 【went】to bed early.6、i 【went】to the cinema three times last week 7、i 【...

五大基本句型 各20例句 ·

(2)I love apples.我喜欢苹果。(3)I played the piano. 我弹钢琴。(4)I like you.我喜欢你。(5)I hate you. 我讨厌你。(6)He need a piece of bread. 他需要一片面包。(7)The monkey eats an banana. 那猴子吃了个香蕉。(8)She opens the door. 她打开门。(9)Lucy ...

用what.am.is.are.i.you.we.they.he.she.going to.do

组6个句子 1 What am I going to do?2 What are you going to do?3 What is he going to do?4 What is she going to do?5 What are we going to do?6 What are they going to do?【很希望我的回答会对你有帮助。如有不明白,可以再追问,若满意请采纳,谢谢你,并祝你进步!】


1、Welldone!做得不错!2、Iknewyoucoulddoit.我就知道你能做到。3、Youcandoit!你能做到!4、那些情歌是我为你唱过的.5、Idon"twantto,letyouaperson.6、春花秋月何时了,往事知多少。7、某人失败时沮丧,安慰他 8、Everythingherehasabeginningandanend,butitcanaccommodatealltheunexpectedencounters...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
