
i mean


i'm gonna和i gonna有什么区别?

区别是是否还有be动词。但只有i'm gonna这种结构, 没有i gonna 这种表达方式。1、i gonna 是错误的用法。因为该句中缺少be动词。在反问句中be动词会提前。I mean, what am I gonna find today?我会想,我今天会找到什么呢?2、gonna是非正式口语化用词。一般用法是:主语+be gonna do .该用法...


3. mean sb. to do sth.mean sb. to do sth.的意思是“打算让某人做某事”。例如:I mean you to work as our spokesman. 我想请你当我们的代言人。Do you really mean him to believe that your plan was right? 你真打算让他相信你的计划是对的吗?4. mean后接名词、副词或从句 mean...

be meant to do , mean to do的区别

be meant to do是“应做;照道理,照规矩应该做;注定要”。I had meant to leave on Sunday.我本打算周日走。I mean to stay here for a long time.我打算在这儿呆很久。mean通常不与否定的动词不定式搭配。如:I did not mean to hurt you.我并不是故意得罪你。(不说:I meant not to...


adj.平均的;刻薄;吝啬的;熟练的;小气的;平庸的;不善良;要发狂的;低劣而肮脏的;出身卑贱的;要发怒的。n.平均值;中间;平均数;中庸;折中;算术中项。双语例句:1、What she means is that there's no point in waiting here.她的意思是说在这儿等下去没什么意义。2、I mean to say, you should...


I realized what he meant.我明白他的意思了。By "the cities" I mean the big cities in particular.我所说的"城市"主要是指大城市。Don't think I am joking; I mean business.不要以为我是在开玩笑,我可是当真的。3. 意欲,意图,打算[+to-v][O1][O2]I mean her no harm.我无意伤害...

“I meant it” 什么意思?

译为:(刚刚)我是认真的。表示不是随便说说,说的都是认真的真心的。I meant/mean what I said. 我说的都是发自肺腑的。否定时,I didn't mean it. 通常是指“我不是那个意思。”而不是说“我不是认真的。”


3. mean sb. to do sth.mean sb.to do sth.的意思是“打算让某人做某事”。例如:I mean you to work as our spokesman. 我想请你当我们的代言人。Do you really mean him to believe that your plan was right? 你真打算让他相信你的计划是对的吗?4. mean后接名词、副词或从句 mean后...

mean和 meant的区别

mean by 意思是…meant to be 命中注定 meant well 用意善良;本意是好的 例句:1、What does this word mean?这个词是什么意思?2、The dark clouds mean rain.乌云意味着要下雨。3、What does he mean by cancelling his performance?他取消演出是什么意思?4、All at once I tumbled to what ...


5、Concentration on the needs of the young can mean that the elderly are forgotten.对年轻人需求的注重可能意味着对老年人的忽视。6、This is a mean type of theft by ruthless people preying on the elderly.这是无情之徒利用老人弱势的一种卑鄙偷窃。7、“Do you see what I mean?”“...


3. mean sb. to do sth.mean sb. to do sth.的意思是“打算让某人做某事”。例如:I mean you to work as our spokesman. 我想请你当我们的代言人。Do you really mean him to believe that your plan was right? 你真打算让他相信你的计划是对的吗?4. mean后接名词、副词或从句 mean...
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