(9 4 1) - 14, (6 6 1) - 13, (9 2 2) - 13, (6 3 2) - 11, (4 3 3) - 10. Now, A's statement ('I know your house number but still don't know the answer.') tells us that the ages are either 6 6 1 or 9 2 2, for in all the other cases, knowle...
9 Goals are the best illustration of the chance nature of this game. Ninety per cent of goal shots (known as "chances" or, in hopeless cases, "half chances", or in France, opportunités) are either blocked or are so far off course that they soar deep into the stands.射门最好地说明...
20、The administration of the law can never go lax where every individual sees to it that it grows not lax in his own case, or in cases which fall under his eyes.(Mark Twain, Arerican writer)在个人自己的案件中或是他所看到的案件中不能有疏忽,因此执法从来不能疏忽。(美国...
因此,捐助者/股东提供资金,以目前的计划需要的财务信息的需求,并提供适当的技术援助,定期,特别强调用人标准的做法,例如,贷款回收的报告,收入和成本,投资风险(注布哈特, 1998年) 。由于缺乏准确的财务报告的关键是程序效率低下的原因往往是通过不加制止,年复一年,由于体制失败常常可以作为意外...
This will happen in nine cases out of ten.这种情况十之八九会发生。4.表示“在……范围以外”,“越出……界限之外”The ship is out of sight.5.表示“出于……动机”,“由于……原因”The traffic accident was out of carelessness in diving.这起交通事故是由于粗心驾驶所致。6.表示...
你好,以下翻译,供你参考,希望对你有所理解和帮助~Dear Sirs,尊敬的XX先生 We have recently received a number of complaints from customers about your fountain pens. The pens are clearly not giving satisfaction, and in some cases we have had to refund the purchase price.我们最近收到...
Many tumours produce a molecule called activin, which plays a role in muscle breakdown. So Han and his team injected a protein that mops up excess activin, five or 14 days after mice were implanted with a colon tumour. In both cases, the mice started eating and their body weight returned...
9、In these cases,this cover should be kept as thin as possible.此时,该屏蔽层应尽可能地薄。10、Heat transfer and shielding tests will be completed in 1976.于1976年将完成传热和各项屏蔽试验。11、Radiation shields are commonly used to reduce radiation errors.辐射屏蔽罩一般用于降低辐射...