



(一)多发梗塞性痴呆(multiple infarct dementia, MID) 进行性痴呆,反复多次梗塞导致的局灶性神经体征及全身性动脉粥样硬化改变为主,病程多呈阶梯性加重。智能障碍主要为近事记忆的减退及工作能力的下降,尤其对人名、地名、日期及数字最先健忘。患者工作能力的下降,首先表现于效率的降低和向导管主动性。对于脑力工作,如...




引起相应供血区脑组织缺血坏死及功能障碍。腔隙性脑梗塞(lacuna infarct)约占全部脑梗塞的20%~30%。是指大脑半球或脑干深部的小穿通动脉,在长期高血压基础上,血管壁发生病变,最终管腔闭塞,导致缺血性微梗死,缺血、坏死和液化的脑组织由吞噬细胞移走形成空腔,故称腔隙性脑梗塞。

pacemaker activity造句 pacemaker activityの例文 "pacemaker activity...

Stretching GI muscles can affect the resting potentials of ICC and affect the frequency of pacemaker activity .Increased potassium conductance should stabipze membrane potential during ischemic insults, reducing the extent infarct and ectopic pacemaker activity .But this pacemaker activity ...


Patients with a proven history of myocardial infarction are at a greater risk of perioperative reinfarction, the incidence of which is related to the time interval between infarct and surgery. Elective surgery should be postponed until at least 6 months after the event. Untreated or ...

帮忙翻译为英文 谢了! 急急急!

smoking history, prodromal symptoms and complications were compared. Results: The two groups of gender, cardiovascular family history, infarct location, systolic blood pressure was no difference (p> 0.05), the observation group age, smoking history, lung wet and dry rales higher (P <...

求帮我翻译 一般人翻译不出来的 并且要通顺 One characteristic of c...

心肌病的特点之一是在细胞内Ca2 +处理36–38异常,这可能在心力衰竭与心律失常的危险性增加减少收缩环。因此,细胞内Ca2 +处理的改进可以纠正异常收缩,可以防止心律失常。萨尔科/内质网Ca2 + ATP酶(SERCA)是主要的泵,将细胞内Ca2 +回舒张期肌浆网。用腺病毒或AAV载体的SERCA2a基因治疗已被证明是...


Man Hong Jim, Ryan L Y Ko, Carmen W S Chan, Stephen C W Cheung, Wing-Hing Chow. Angioplasty on an Infarct-related Anomalous Right Coronary Artery Arising from Posterior Coronary Sinus. Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore, March 2010; 39(3):258-60.Man Hong Jim, ...


[3]Erare A,Ucer E,Yesilcimen K,et al.Impact of early tirofiban administration on myocardial salvage in patients with acute mycoardial infarctionundergoing infarct-related artery stenting[J].Cardiology,2006,106(4):264 [4]Gabriekl HM,Oliveira EI.Role of abciximab in the ...


Mie abbr. 工业工程硕士(Master of Industrial Engineering);制造业信息化工程;心肌梗塞延展(Myocardial Infarct Extension);最小点火能(Minimum Ignition Energy)mie scattering 米氏散射 bxr 铜芯橡皮软线
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