



1. You've ruined everything.2. You're such a splitting image of a piddling dog.3. Can't you do anything right?4. You're out of your mind.5. An angry curse, not a word ofXing, uttered those macabre insults; I can't bear to listen.6. Get out of my life.7. You...

“lead to”怎样造句?

1、A poor diet will ultimately lead to illness.糟糕的饮食终将导致疾病。2、Insults can lead to the incitement of violence.侮辱会导致对暴力的煽动。3、He pulled away, extending his lead to 15 seconds.他甩开了对手,领先优势扩大到了15秒。4、It will lead to devaluation of a number ...


32. Continuation of insults 33. Seven years ago 34. Burning addiction, Renunciation 35. Tonight【今夜】36. Out of condition, beside 37. TRANSFORMER(变形女)QQ空间网名女生英文1. Lady Amor 2. Distance (距离)3.紫玫瑰rose 4. Kara Wang 5. Hello 6. Feast or parting 7. Alien, ...


1、肯定句:We will visit you tomorrow。2、否定句:We will not go to school on Sunday。3、疑问句:Shall we go shopping?4、特殊疑问句:Why won’t go with us?一般将来时结构:1.will/shall+动词原形 shall用于第一人称,常被will 所代替。例句:We shall requite him for his insults...


一般将来时的基本句型包括三种:肯定句、否定句和疑问句。1. 肯定句:We will visit you tomorrow.2. 否定句:We will not go to school on Sunday.3. 疑问句:Shall we go shopping?4. 特殊疑问句:Why won’t you go with us?


3.The young girl looked very vulnerable .那姑娘看上去十分柔弱。4.These instruments are vulnerable to cable faults and snags .这种仪器易于缠在岩石的断块和树枝上。5.In his shy vulnerable way he receives the insults in silence .他羞怯而脆弱,默默地忍受了种种侮辱。6....


take 英[teik] 美[tek]过去式:took 过去分词:taken 现在分词:taking 单三形式:takes vt.1.带(去), 携带 2.拿, 取, 抓 3.需要; 花费 4.学习; 教 5.取得, 接受, 容纳 6.买下; 租用 7.吃, 喝, 服 8.乘车, 上船 9.测定, 量; 拍 10.理解,领会 11. 使达到,把…推向,...


take 英[teik] 美[tek]过去式:took 过去分词:taken 现在分词:taking 单三形式:takes vt.1.带(去), 携带 2.拿, 取, 抓 3.需要; 花费 4.学习; 教 5.取得, 接受, 容纳 6.买下; 租用 7.吃, 喝, 服 8.乘车, 上船 9.测定, 量; 拍 10.理解,领会 11. 使达到,把…推向,把...


4. 含藏 háncáng [implication] 包含;蕴藏 每一个字都有其在意义上的含藏 5. 含垢 hángòu [endure comtempt and insults] 忍受耻辱 瑾瑜匿瑕,国君含垢。——《左传·宣公十五年》忍辱含垢。——《后汉书·曹世叔妻传》6. 含垢忍辱 hángòu-rěnrǔ [endure contempt and insults] 指忍受...
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