
intended meaning


恋爱时,女朋友经常问的一些最经典的问题是什么?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊_百 ...

40. Do you think you will be able to cope with English-demands of your intended study program? 41. What difficulties do you think you’ll encounter in your studies? 42. What do you intend to study? 43. Why did you choose our university?


IV contest can be said to be the most critical section, the Bone for the rest of this sect was Aqiao came on the scene, Great complete the outbreak of Chemistry Peng, the leader, after a few minutes, he grabbed a five backboard and 8 pm one-third of them hit the ball....

帮我找些关于competence and performance的资料

There is another reason why language technology is interesting for linguistic theory: language-technological applications involve systems which are intended to work with some form of "real language" as input. Implementing a competence grammar will therefore be not enough in the end: one also needs ...


Hsi-feng at once drew Tai-yü, meaning to make her sit in the foremost chair on the left side, but Tai-yü steadily and concedingly ...all again finished washing their hands, tea was eventually served a second time, and this was, at length, the tea that was intended to be ...

sacial 是什么意思?

Intended for convivial activities.交谊的:倾向于饮酒作乐活动的 Of, relating to, or occupied with matters affecting human welfare:社会福利的:属于、关于或影响人类福利的事物:social problems; a social policy.社会福利问题;社会福利政策 n.(名词)An informal social gathering, as of the ...

\'^\\d (\\.\\d*)?|\\.\\d $\'.这个是什么意思

第一名,“D”是Drift的简写,就是车迷们 平时说的“甩尾”(汽车用语,指车疾速行驶时疾速拐弯,车轮横向滑动的状态),全部 的意思就是“甩尾”第一 “头文字”在日文里是“缩写”的意思,而英文字母D代表的是“Drift”的意思,字面解 释是“飘移”之意。但事实上,Drift是一种汽车驾驶技巧,...


Bao such a lively scene, of course not miss, early in the morning to prepare accounts for a good place to watch, but the days were intended to fail to materialize, due to A Bao innate obesity, so he climbed up to contest the General Assembly, on-site spend a great effort...


I had intended to come over to see you last night, but someone called and I couldn't get away. 昨晚我本打算来看你,但有人来找,脱不开身。...He had been studying the meaning of this proverb.(He was trying to study it.) 3)未得结果: We had been studying what our enemy had said.(...


Gan shouldn't save him. When he adjusted his mind, living on fishing with A Gan, he started to enjoy the wonderful life and thank A Gan's help. The movie is intended to tell people that life is wonderful by this character. Rainbow is always after cloud. The key point is ...


If it had been intended to leave it in the discretion of the legislature to apportion the judicial power between the supreme and inferior courts according to the will of that body, it would certainly have been useless to have proceeded further than to have defined the judicial power, and the...
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