建议的英文是suggestion。一、读音:[sə'dʒestʃən]二、意思是建议。三、例句 What a ridiculous suggestion!多么荒唐的建议!四、词汇用法 1、uggestion的基本意思是“建议,提议”,可接that引导的同位语从句,从句中要用虚拟语气。2、suggestion还可作“细微的迹象”解。一般...
1、listen intently 专心致志地听 2、listen interminably 没完没了地听 3、listen languidly 无精打采地听 4、listen patiently 耐心地听 在用法上,"listen" 有以下几点需要注意:1、"listen" 基本上是一个不及物动词,通常与介词 "to" 结合使用,表示“听从”、“同意”的意思。2、"listen ...
[watch intently] 凝视;注视 回眸凝睇 2. 凝定 níngdìng [slow-moving] 凝滞;呆滞 凝定的眼神 3. 凝冻 níngdòng [coagulate;freeze] 因冰冻而凝固 4. 凝固 nínggù (1) [solidify]∶液体变成固体 (2) [stiff;stagnate]∶板滞;停滞;固定不变 脸色凝固 5. 凝华 nínghuá [condensation] 物...
" she asked, her words tumbling out. Mr. Hart wiped the coin with his sleeve and examined the inscription. Kerry and Omar watched him intently. "If you look at the edge of the coin, you'll see the name of the Cornflakes brand (fun start)," he said. Kerry and Omar exch...
v. 听;倾听;听从;听信 n. 听;倾听 例句 1、He refused to listen to the old man's counsel.他拒不听从老人的忠告。2、You should not listen to rumour.你不要听信谣言。短语 1、listen intently 专心致志地听 2、listen interminably 没完没了地听 3、listen languidly 无精打采地...
【出自】:明·冯梦龙《警世通言》卷十一:“老婆婆看着小官人,目不转睛,不觉两泪交流。”【近义词】:目不斜视 【反义词】:左顾右盼 【语法】:主谓式;作状语;形容注意力集中 目不转睛的英文翻译 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释 1.to gaze steadily (or intently); to look attentively; to ...
"Liar did not look at each other's eyes," everybody knows that advice. Therefore, the clever liar will redouble intently staring at your eyes, and pupil expansion. As the focus is too concentrated, their eyes became dry, it will make them blink frequently. Another way is ...
表情的英文翻译是expression、face、brow、phiz、to express one's feelings。词语分析:以phiz为例 音标:英 /fɪz/ 美 /fiz/ n. 脸;表情;相貌 短语:phiz snapper 照相师 Studio Phiz 开发商 phiz selection 选 例句:1.Joan doesn't say anything, replying him a sincere phiz.贞德...