



我猜你问的是intertwined的原型 是intertwine,交织,交缠 是inter+twine的合成词 你把两部分分开就认识了


implicit 英 [ɪmˈplɪsɪt]adj.不言明的;含蓄的;间接的;绝对的;无保留的;无疑问的;内含的;固有的;隐的;缠绕的;同义词:implied; complete; contained; intertwined 辅助记忆 1. 搭...

black light是什么意思

black light 英[blæk lait] 美[blæk laɪt][释义] 黑光核对印鉴法;全部释义>> [例句]Do you have a black light?你有近紫外光灯吗?


”翻译成英文就是:“While completing a difficult task, he felt pain and pleasure intertwined.” 这样的翻译准确地传达了原文的含义,同时也易于英语读者理解。总之,“痛并快乐着”翻译成&ld...


Wagner found this most eloquently illustrated in the Black spiritual, where the desire for freedom in this world and the hope for salvation in the next are inextricably intertwined.17. The primary purpose of the passage ...

英语翻译(急) 回答就给分

trees and small trees roots buried in the soil under the wrong section, intertwined. The two buried under a tree in a nice little wooden box, wooden box where the ashes, gradually turned into organic fertil...


一个包容的环境与低调务实的个性,这似乎是感知差别对待较少的两个重要因素。学校生活的和谐,个人的专注,这两个方面 gintertwined 影响着一个人对周围不公差别的敏锐度与体察力。这也是我个人的理解所在。

cnblue的《blue sky》的中文翻译

Just fear at the free, it’s intertwined.只是害怕自由,这是交织在一起的 Moment of the time is giving, how do we make it when we try.这刻的时间是被给予的,当我们努力的时候我们应该如何利用它 All the ...


1 each muscle, every fiber, every cell, was tired, tired numb 2 these illusions often emerge in the eyes of buck, and they are intertwined, and still deep in the forest the call of the ring.3 a hear...


although the trunk doddering, intertwined, but still full of vitality in the movie, the place is under the tree to ANiu brother speak out, throw an SMS as the big banyan park is located in the north 7...
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