
is a



(17)Who is the person that is talking with our headmaster? 和我们校长说话的那人是谁? 3. 先行词前有the same时。如: (18)This is the same man that gave us a talk last year. 这和去年给我们作报告的是同一人。 4. 关系代词在定语从句中作表语时。如: (19)He has changed. He was not ...

a series of lectures后面为什么是is而不是are

2、This is the latest in a series of shocks to the Scandinavian banking system. 这是一系列对斯堪的纳维亚银行系统的冲击中最近的一次。3、A series of technical foul-ups delayed the launch of the new product. 一系列技术问题延误了新产品的上市。4、Frustration, anger and desperation ...

life is not a destination,but a journey谁说的

是爱默生说的!Life is not adestination,but a journey。 生活不是目的,而是旅程。这句的原句来自爱默生。“Life is a journey, not a destination.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

there is/are a wide variety of,是is还是are?

there is a wide variety of,是is


一、there is造句 1、There is a football behind the door.在门后面有一个足球。2、There is some water in the glass.有一些水在杯子里。3、There is a bag on the chair.有一个包在椅子上。4、There is a flower in the bottle.瓶里有一朵花。5、There is a boy,a girl and two ...




ability、absolutely、academic、accelerate、accidental等。一、ability 英 [ə'bɪləti] 美 [ə'bɪləti]n. 能力;才能 This is a task well within your ability.这完全是你力所能及的工作。二、absolutely 英 ['æbsəluːtli] 美 ['...


1、I am ten years old.我十岁了。2、I am a boy.我是个男孩。3、She is a good girl.她是个好女孩。4、He is so thin.他很瘦。5、It is a dog.它是一只狗。are主要用于主语表复数概念的句中,包括一些简单集体名词,如:people,family第二人称(You)配合are使用,常见句型:“You ...

Nothing in the world is ___if you put your heart into it .You can...

Nothing is difficult in the world ,if you put your heart into it 世上无难事,只怕有心人 nothing in the world is impossible if you set your mind to do it 有志者事竟成


I go back home once a month. 我每月回家一次。 4 不定冠词用于单数可数名词前,泛指人的职业、国籍、宗教等 He is a Christian. 他是基督徒。 My friend, Asaku, is a Japanese. 我的朋友Asaku是日本人。 He was a teacher in the past. But he is a busines *** an now. 过去他是教师,但现在...
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