gently brushing your face. The blue sky is above you. After raining, the flowers are blooming in the garden. The living beings start to grow. Everything is full with vigor and fragrance. The best season of this year, you cann’t miss it and you will love it.The spring is...
这个应该是看图填空的吧 是冬天,赫尔曼及其夫人想做很多购物,让她等待,直到它是星期六。 当她的丈夫是自由的,他去商店与她付出一切,并开展“包裹”(包裹)。他们去了很多的店铺,和赫尔曼先生买了很多东西。她经常停下来,并说:“瞧,乔!这不就是美丽!“ 然后,他回答说,“所有权利,亲爱...
他喜欢踢足球和唱流行歌曲.2.那么, 则 He lost his health, and therefore his difficulties increased.他身体虚弱, 因此更增加了他的困难.3.然后, 接着 It came nearer and nearer.那东西越来越近了.4.而且, 还, 又 Mary was tall and fair.玛丽是个高个子的金发女郎.5. 加;加上 6. (...
4.谢谢你通过EMAIL发过来的我们的合影,很好看!Thanks for sending me the photos we took together.They are very nice.5.谢谢你送我的迪奥的香水,我非常喜欢。谢谢!Thank you for presenting me the Dior perfume.I like it very much.6.那天和您在一起聊天我也感到十分的愉快。我要努力学...
5、it 用it作人称代词,可替代无生命的东西或事情,在性别不详或无所谓时,也可指代人,尤其是指婴儿。it作主语时,可指自然现象、季节、时间、距离、环境等。There is a rosebush near the fence and it is very beautiful.篱笆附近有一丛玫瑰,长得非常美丽。6、they they是第三人称的复数形式,...
6.功 If you push hard against something and move it, you have done work.如果你用力推一件东西, 并且移动它, 那你就做了功。7.职责;工作内容8.工作;活计9.工作所需的材料(或档案等)10.工作地点;工作单位;工作场所11.作为;行动结果12. 著作;作品13. 建;修;修建14.(机器等的)活动部件15.所有的...
Life has its ups and downs. Sometimes the sun shines, sometimes the rain lashes, but then it takes both the sun and rain to make a rainbow. 生活中有起有落,有时候阳光普照,有时候大雨倾盆, 但是只有在经历过阳光风雨之后才会有彩虹。 暂时就这么多吧,有些累了。.望采纳 6. 优美英文句子. 1. ...
Maybe they’ll 5 it and then it will be very expensive to repair . So he 6 and began to carry it down the road in his arms . It was heavy so he stopped two or three 7 to have a rest . Then suddenly(突然地)a small boy came along the road . He stopped and 8 Peter for a ...
1.has promise 是个错误的构词法,如果是has promised 到是正确的 2.there is no need 。。。固定的用法 3.问话的人认为mray应该今天做卫生,在他的思维中她还没有做,所以用将来时 4.这句话包括了一个定语从句,即we spent 。。。factory 。that 作为连接词修饰先行词hours 句子意思是 那部...
There was a basketball game in our school this afternoon. It was between Class 3 and Class 6 of Grade 5. They are the best teams in our school.When the game started, both of them played actively. I could only see the ball passed quickly from one to another. It was really...