
it says


It says that, It is said that 有什么区别

It says that 是主动态,表示碑石、布告、文章、通知等上面的文字的具体内容。It is said that 是被动态,表示某个说法、现象被人们传播,经常被翻译为“据说”。例句:There is a terrible word on the door. It says "DEATH".门上写着一个可怕的字。这个字是“死”。It is said that ...

it is said that和it is said that的区别?

It says that 是主动态,表示碑石、布告、文章、通知等上面的文字的具体内容。It is said that 是被动态,表示某个说法、现象被人们传播,经常被翻译为“据说”。例句:There is a terrible word on the door. It says "DEATH".门上写着一个可怕的字。这个字是“死”。It is said that ...

it is said that和it is said that有何不同?

It says that 是主动态,表示碑石、布告、文章、通知等上面的文字的具体内容。It is said that 是被动态,表示某个说法、现象被人们传播,经常被翻译为“据说”。例句:There is a terrible word on the door. It says "DEATH".门上写着一个可怕的字。这个字是“死”。It is said that ...

it is said that的用法是什么?

It says that 是主动态,表示碑石、布告、文章、通知等上面的文字的具体内容。It is said that 是被动态,表示某个说法、现象被人们传播,经常被翻译为“据说”。例句:There is a terrible word on the door. It says "DEATH".门上写着一个可怕的字。这个字是“死”。It is said that ...

look at the (学校规则).lt says

这道题选择C 对于一些标语或者规则~上面写着什么 用it says 这句话的意思就是看校规.上面写着:不要迟到!

It---"100"---上填什么?says writes said writing

It says "100"固定说法,标识上写着字用“says”


2 [第三人称单数中性受格]a. [直接受词] 它,它 I saw ~.我看到它 I gave it him.我把它给了他 b. [间接受词] 它,它 I gave it food.我给它食物 c. [介系词受词]I gave food to it.我给它食物 3 Go and see who it is.去看看是谁 It's me. (口语)是我 It says, "...


can’t,+it,+smoke,+says,+here,+people 连词成句 :It says people can’t smoke here.


2 [第三人称单数中性受格]a. [直接受词] 它,它 Isaw ~.我看到它 I gave it him.我把它给了他 b. [间接受词] 它,它 I gave it food.我给它食物 c. [介系词受词]I gave food to it.我给它食物 3 Go and see who it is.去看看是谁 It's me. (口语)是我 It says, "Keep ...

It,that,pandas,love,says,bamboo(.) 连词成句

it says that pandas love bamboo 望采纳
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