
it up



yo keep it up keep it up,让它保持下去,two step with me, come on,向我走两步,来吧,lets do it do it do it like this。让我们一直做这样的。1,2 baby clap ur hands,1,2 baby 拍拍你的手,Everybody lets go ha ha ha ha。Everybody let‘s go 哈哈哈哈。I want yall ...

put it down 与put down it 的区别,还有look it up和look up it的区别...

put down it 只有“放下某物”的意思;put it down 有其他引申意思,可以是放下抽象的事物,用在否定句中有爱不释手的意思。look it up 意思是看看它; look up it 是查询下它。前者三个单词是一个词组,后者不是固定词组,意思来自于look up=查询。希望对你有帮助。

It is up to you 是什么意思?

1.It is up to you.随你便.收藏指正 2.It is up to you to decide.这事由你定夺.收藏指正 3.It is up to you to break the news to him.该由你把这个消息告诉她.收藏指正 4.It is up to you to decide.; It's to be decided by you.; We'll leave it to you for decision....

it is up to you whether you want to use them.分析结构

it 是形式主语is 是系动词up to you 可以看作是形容词短语 作表语。意思是“由你决定,看你的了,你说了算”whether you want to use them是名词性从句作真主语,是主语从句。

英语·句型be up to必须、一定要是It’s up to……的样式吗?

如:It is up to me to get the four of us moving.该由我来召集我们四个人动起来。3、be up to sb. 表示“由某人决定,随某人”。如:Whether we will go to the park is up to your brother.我们是否去公园由你哥哥定。An Indian or a Chinese meal? It’s up to you.吃印度菜...

pick up it和pick it 有什么区别

这里涉及的是短语动词的搭配问题。也就是说“某一动词+介词、副词”组成一个短语动词。1,如果这个动词后加的是副词,而作宾语的词是一个名词(正如你所提出的一样),那么这个副词放在名词的前、后都一样;但如果作宾语的是一个代词,这个代词就要放在副词的前面,比如说pick it up。2,如果这个...

it's up to you的翻译是什么?

It's up to you!It's up to you!“由你决定!”这可是句很受听的话呀!把决定权交给别人,无论你对谁说,都是很给对方面子的。比如你的General Manager(总经理)现在很信任你,今天他把一项很重要的工作交给了你。当你询问他细节怎么办时,他很信任地拍拍你的肩膀说:“It's up to you...

up it是什么意思?

介词up:1.向...上,往...上: climb up it(it指代山、楼梯、树等)爬山(楼梯、树)2.在...之上; This is a hall and her room is up it.3.向...的上游;沿着: The river was long and wide and we began to travel up it....

up to it是什么意思啊?

Up to it是什么意思啊?这个表达通常用来形容一个人是否有能力或毅力来完成某项任务。如果一个人能够up to it,那么他或她有足够的实力来达成目标。一个人up to it了,也意味着他有信心、有能力应对困难和挑战。有时候,人们需要在工作或生活中展现出up to it的能力,这往往需要努力、坚韧不拔以及...

It's up to sb to do sth能翻译成 做某事是某人的义务或责任 吗_百 ...

1. 可以。2. 固定句型It's up to sb to do sth一般有两种意思:1)由某人决定去做某事 如:It's up to you to decide how to get there.由你来决定怎样到达那儿。2)做某事是某人的义务/职责/责任 如:It's up to her to lock the door.锁门是她的职责。/锁门由她来负责。参考资料...
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