
it was a vase that he broke into pieces为什么用that?


英语短文,6年级,3篇 要短

My Room This is my room. Near the window there is a desk. I often do my homework at it. You can see some books, some flowers in a vase, a ruler and a pen. On the wall near the desk there is a picture of a cat. There is a clock above the end of my bed. I ...

is it a girl为什么用it

1.代表前文已提到过的一件事物。如:That vase is valuable. It's more than 200 years old.那个花瓶很珍贵,它有200多年的历史。I love swimming. It keeps me fit.我喜欢游泳,它能使我保持健康。2.当说话者不清楚或无必要知道说话对象的性别时,也可用it来表示。It's a lovely baby. Is ...


你姑姑为什么穿黑色衣服? 2.…he told her that the dress was sold.……告诉她那件衣服已经卖出去了。 被动语态在这里含有动作已经完成的意忠,即表示目前的状态。 3.She returned to the shop the following morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the othe...


4、Do not keep anything for a special occasion, because every day that you live is a special occasion. 不要将你的东西为了某一个特别的时刻而预留着,因为你生活的每一天都是那么特别。 5、It’s not easy to change friendship into love. But it’s even harder to turn love into friendship. 让...

...the vase as if it __made of steel 为什么用were 不用WAS...

as if(仿佛;好像)后一般加虚拟语气,在虚拟语气中be动词必须用were 口决:be须用were as if后是否跟虚拟的判断:事情未做用虚拟,已做不虚拟 望采纳!


A. which B. that C. where D. in that 选C,正确。6. The doctor advised Tom strongly that he should take a holiday ,but ___ didn’t help.A. it B. who C. which D. he 选A,正确。7.Can you believe that in ___ a rich country there should be __...


6.The poeple are looking up(into)the sky.They are waiting(for)the comets 7.Last night when I was listening(to)some music,a thief broke (into)my house 8.Ray is very good(at)maths and science.He wants to be a scientist when he grows(up)At present he is thinking(about)...


例如:As it is raining, you\'d better take a taxi. 天下雨了,你最好乘出租车。 SINCE 意为"既然",表示对方已知的无需加以说明的原因或事实,语气比because弱,但是比as 强。 例如:Since we have no money, we can't buy that vase. 既然我们没钱,我们就不能买那花瓶。 Since everybody is here, ...

broke up什么意思?

There was a danger of the ship breaking up completely... 这艘船有彻底解体的危险。Break up the chocolate and melt it... 把巧克力弄碎,使其熔化。He broke the bread up into chunks and gave Meer a big one... 他把面包掰成数块,给了米尔一块大的。Tanks are strongly built. It ...


Broken是一个英语单词,它的意思是:破碎的、损坏的、不完整的、破裂的、破败的、心碎的。Broken造句如下:1.The vase fell off the table and broke into a million pieces.(花瓶从桌子上掉下来,摔成了无数碎片。)2.My heart was broken when my boyfriend cheated on me.(当我的男朋友出轨时...
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