9.Autumn night, the sky is high, a crescent moon hanging quietly in the southwest sky. Cold moonlight sprinkled on the earth, it is so dark, the stars of the milky way is more brilliant.秋夜,天高露浓,一弯月牙在西南天边静静地挂着。清冷的月光洒下大地,是那么幽黯,银河的...
9、饺子 dumpling 10、放鞭炮: squibbing firecrackers 11、贴春联: paste the New Year couplets 12、吃年夜饭: take/have New Year's Eve Dinner 13、看春节晚会:watch Spring Festival Gala on TV 14、发红包: hand out red envelopes 15、买年货: special purchases for the Spring ...
also available longan meat 10g, jujube 5 go nuclear, a steamed egg consumption, once a day. ...(9) onion pounded appropriate, into the bottle cover, Pillow临睡前on sniffing the air, and generally
May happiness stick to you like glutinous rice, ine you like silk thread, make your life as sweet as jujube, and wrap you like leaves. Happy Dragon Boat Festival to you. 29、长长的距离,长长的线,连着我对你长长的思念;香香的粽子,香香的米,带给你我的真心的祝愿,端午节,祝你节日快乐,幸福美满...
Beijing jujube zongzi with many small bags in the north is represented by Jiaxing zongzi in Zhejiang Province in the south. The custom of eating zongzi has been prevalent in China for thousands of years and spread to East Asia and Southeast Asia.二、赛龙舟 赛龙舟前,先要请龙、祭...
And in the year 20xx, the number has suddenly soared to 9 million. There are many factors ...At night, dad with red jujube, lotus seeds, beans, peanuts, black beans, wheat berry, lily,
聊城处于京九铁路与济邯铁路,济聊馆高速公路的交汇点上,是呼南应北,承东接西的重要交通枢纽,交通十分便利。 Liaocheng in the Beijing-Kowloon Railway and Jinan Han Railway, Ji-chat Hall on the intersection of highways, is call the South should be the north, linking the east with the west ...
英文:colour 读法:英 ['kʌlə] 美 ['kʌlɚ]释义:1、vt. 把…涂颜色,粉饰;歪曲;使脸红 2、vi. 变色 3、n. 颜色;风格;气色,面色 词汇搭配:1、tender colour温柔的脸色 2、tinting colour着色颜料 3、transparent colour透明色彩 4、watery colour水彩色 例句:...
9、饭后散步,不进药铺。Walk after meals, not at the pharmacy.10、入厨先洗手,上灶莫多言。Wash your hands before entering the kitchen.11、一碗姜糖汤,去风去寒赛仙方。A bowl of ginger soup, go to the wind to Hansai Xianfang.12、饭后一支烟,害处大无边。A cigarette after a ...