



windows 8操作系统中可参考以下步骤进入安全模式:1.点选"设定(Settings)".2.点选"更改电脑设置(Change PC settings)".3.选择左侧"常规(General)"选项,页面下拉并选择"高级启动(Advanced startup)".点选"立即重新启动(Restart now)".4.点选"疑难解答(Troubleshoot)".5.点选"高级选项(Advanced ...


4 完成进行时:She is known to have been wreaking on the problem for many years.单项选择:1. The teacher told them ___ make so much noise.A. don’t B. not C. will not D. not to 2. My mother often tells me ___so many mistakes.A. not to make B. to not make C...


按照端口号的大小分类,可分为如下几类 :(1)公认端口(WellKnownPorts):从0到1023,它们紧密绑定(binding)于一些服务。通常这些端口的通讯明确表明了某种服务的协议。例如:80端口实际上总是HTTP通讯。(2)注册端口(RegisteredPorts):从1024到49151。它们松散地绑定于一些服务。也就是说有许多...

be sell know&...

小题1:to remember小题2:lived小题3:is小题4:known小题5:has sold 试题分析:本文介绍一位伟大的作家Garcia Marquez,他毕生的经历和著作。小题1:句意:世界停止于四月十七日纪念一位文化巨人,Garcia Marquez在获得诺贝尔文学奖的作家之后去世了,享年87岁。本空应该用不定式短语作目的状语,故填...


4. be known for sth. 因……而著名 / 出名 be known as sth. 以(某种身份 / 职业)而出名 5. a number of + pl.n 一些…… a large / great number of + pl. n 大量的…… = large / great numbers of + pl. n 大量的…… plenty of …. 大量的…… a lot of … = lots of … ...


四、用作副词的as 修饰形容词或副词,表示程度,意为“同样地”。例如:He swims fast, but I swim just as fast. 但它通常构成表示比较的结构“as„as„”,“not as„as„”。此结构中第一个as是副词,第二个as是连词。否定结构中的副词as可以由so代替。as„as possible /one can也属于此用法。例...


as we all know同义句型:1.as everyone knows 人人都知道这一点 3.it is universally known (that) 全世界都知道/地球人都知道 4.it is widely known (that) 被广泛地知道 6.it comes to light (that) 大白于天下 7.even woman and children all know (that) / it is known even to ...

懂你英语Level 4 Unit 3 Part 1 Vocabulary

simplest form of government.4. In an autocracy, the government is controlled by a single individual, known as the autocrat.5. The power of the government in a republic is limited by a constitution.6. Without a good government, decisions that need to be made won't be made.



he was known to us all as Dickie and his eccentricity had be...

不是语法错误。all在这里是us的同位语,就是我们大家的意思。as是和known 组成词组。be known as就是被公认为……的意思。这句可以翻译为:他被我们大家公认为Dickie还有他的怪癖很久以前就变成传奇式的了。
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