



landfill的意思是n.废渣埋填法;垃圾填筑地; landfill英[ˈlændfɪl]美['lændfɪl][例句]Therubbishinmodernlandfillsdoesnotrot.现代垃圾填埋场里的垃圾不会腐烂。[其他]复数:landfills,垃圾填埋在我国刚刚规范,原来主要是简单填埋,一填了事,严重污染地下水,蚊虫孳生...


垃圾填埋场 refuse landfill 垃圾焚化厂 refuse incinerator 防止过度利用森林 protect forests from overexploitation 森林砍伐率 rate of deforestation 水土流失 water and soil erosion 土壤盐碱化 soil alkalization 农药残留 pesticide residue 水土保持 conservation of water and soil 生态农业 environment-fr...


jungle、rubbish、bindi、disposal site、litter、refuse、dump、landfill、junk 关于垃圾的成语 电光朝露、惮赫千里、独步当时、促膝谈心、东拉西扯、独辟蹊径、担惊受怕、岛瘦郊寒、点金乏术、斗粟尺布 关于垃圾的词语 大含细入、大公无私、斗粟尺布、电光朝露、点金乏术、词不达意、东拉西扯、独辟...


3. Yes 的题是原句的同义词、反义词互换,这是老生常谈。下面我谈一下No和NG。No 的题一般分三种:正面冲突(contradict)、偷梁换柱 (pilfer)、曲解原文(twist)。与原文正面冲突的情况占90%。举例:原文:United States ranks somewhere in the middle of the major countries in landfill disposal. 问题:Compared...


3. Yes 的题是原句的同义词、反义词互换,这是老生常谈。下面我谈一下No和NG。 No 的题一般分三种:正面冲突(contradict)、偷梁换柱 (pilfer)、曲解原文(twist)。 与原文正面冲突的情况占90%。举例: 原文:United States ranks somewhere in the middle of the major countries in landfill disposal. 问题:...


color of the car will be changed by flicking the switch.In order to eliminate the litter problem, the waste will be loaded into a large spaceship and sent to the sun to prevent the landfill processing issue and environmental problems.唯一能够确定的是,他们在变大之前会先变小。


Shipped out from the refuse transfer station, and some were shipped to the sanitary landfill will be filled garbage pits have been prepared to cover stamping and compaction, in its biological, physical and chemical changes, organic matter decomposition achieve reductions and sound purposes....

哪位翻译专家帮忙翻译一下啊!悬赏100 全压上了!拜托了!

He keeps on living near the landfill, but he builds a house. Other residents begin to change their opinions about him. And he has undergone a transformation in his frame of mind as well. 这是一个很老套很幼稚的故事,但是却能让我很感动,里面有拉尔夫和云妮可贵的友情,朋友是什么呢,就是在你...

英语高手快来帮帮忙啊 ! 急需大虾帮我翻译一篇文章,急啊!!!

the vast majority of waste generated in life are biodegradable, but now lives of our city by the massive amount of spam, many of which are non-degradable. Every big city has some great around the landfill. This state is like a house than you live, but you can not throw the...
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